Conference Topics 01- Urban Ecologies Discuss how cities can contribute for the preservation of urban ecosystems, water lines, green and forestry spaces, using these approaches to reduce air pollutants and improve inhabitants’ quality of life. Case studies on green façades and roofs, urban recovery of slum and brownfields are examples of the subjects that could be addressed.
Conference Topics 02- Efficient solutions on cities and buildings operation and maintenance Questions on efficient operation of cities and buildings can be addressed under this topic, namely strategies and solutions related to mobility, water efficiency, energy efficiency, mitigation of airborne pollutants, and mitigation of heat island effect
Conference Topics 03- Closing resources life cycle in buildings construction Materials and components life cycle is one of the main challenges to reduce the use of non-renewable resources. However, solutions to reclaim these materials in a way that they can be easily reused or recycled also depends on how buildings are designed and how the reclaimed materials can be part of a resources supply chain.
Conference Topics 04- Cities and buildings towards human comfort, health and inclusion Green urban public spaces may improve social interaction and promote physical activities. Indoor air quality, high humidity influences human health irself. Taking in attention the inclusive approach benefits social inclusion of children, ageing people and handicap people that is essential to equity among all citizens.
Conference Topics 05- Advances on cities and buildings sustainability assessment methods and tools Measuring sustainability of the built environment has lead to several approaches, methods and tools. Certify a building or a city is nowadays a current practice but sometimes also a marketing strategy. Thus is needed to analyse, compare and discuss the several approaches and tools such as LEED, BREEAM, SB-Tool, Green Star and many others.
Conference Topics 06- Sustainability lessons from vernacular architecture Sustainable lessons may come from vernacular architecture, such as principles of passive buildings and local resources management. However, ideas of comfort had changed, but in many cases vernacular typologies can be studied to better understand how humans had adjusted constructions to climate and available materials.
Conference Topics 07- Nanomaterials in construction and their sustainability Nanotechnologies had open a new world on materials that is also is starting to modify the construction industry. It is a new field of study and application that was opened to researchers and how such new construction materials can contribute for a more sustainable and efficient buildings in the future is still unknown.
Conference Topics Special Chapter Innovative biomimetics construction materials, components and systems