Customer Insight – Care-link / Telecare uptake Benjamin Imafidon MBA Improvement Adviser Bury Council Chief Executive’s Department
Customer Insight – Care-link / Telecare uptake The Care link & Telecare service in Bury 24/7 service 365 days emergency response Enable users to maintain independence Safety~ Someone is always available to answer call for help Chief Executive’s Department
Customer Insight – Care-link / Telecare uptake Delivering the service Own Home Alarm unit connected to control room via a telephone line User has a pendant which triggers alarm to control room Pendant is activated in an emergency Trained operator takes an appropriate action Also offers falls detectors, carbon monoxide Chief Executive’s Department
Customer Insight – Care-link / Telecare uptake Current Customer base (2422 clients) Age range Number of clients Percentage Under 30 124 5.12% 31-45 41 1.69% 46-60 108 4.46% 61-75 407 16.80% 76-85 676 27.91% Over 85 713 29.44% No date of birth given 353 14.57% Chief Executive’s Department
Customer Insight – Care-link / Telecare uptake Current promotional activities Advertised in “Retired & Living” periodical Leaflets & posters distributed at libraries, doctor surgeries, post offices etc Referrals from social workers Home care staff Word of mouth Chief Executive’s Department
Customer Insight – Care-link / Telecare uptake The Project Step 1 Subscribe to esd –toolkit Have a mosaic licence – up to post code level analysis or ACORN Be clear of project objectives Ensure: your Local Tree (service) is up-to-date and includes the service Check that the service is marked “Applicable” on the local tree Check if interaction “Applications for service” exists and enabled Check channels used are associated with service are enable or set to “all channels” if not sure, make sure it is enabled and mark “0” Check if you have robust customer data Chief Executive’s Department
Customer Insight – Care-link / Telecare uptake The Project Step 2 Down load your customer data Transfer your data to esd-toolkit standard data input spreadsheet Address Postcode Date of birth Trans Date Service Number Service name/ description LGIL Interaction No Interaction name LGChL ChannelNo Channel name Confidence Rating Xx Griffin Road BLx xxx xx/xx/1941 01/04/2011 313 Community alarms and Telecare 8 Providing information All channels 4 Xxx Falcon Street xx/xx/1921 The Fields M45 xxx xx/xx/1927 Xxx Elms Street M45 xxx xx/xx/1940 Chief Executive’s Department
Customer Insight – Care-link / Telecare uptake The Project Step 3 Submit your transactional data through esd-toolkit (Bury data/uploads /bulk update; then – Transaction address profile matching; then - Update) Follow instructions You will be notified by e-mail when report is completed Chief Executive’s Department
Customer Insight – Care-link / Telecare uptake The Project Step 4 – Viewing and analysing your report Go to the local tree (service list) and select the service number (e.g . 313) Click on the “profile” tab to view the profile of current users (Households & transaction by group) Finally download your Mosaic data from the esd-toolkit (Bury data/Bury reports/Customer profiling. (ensure the “include profile type attribute box” is ticked) , Compare your mosaic profiling data against your local data to identify house hold within the post code and identify potential customers Chief Executive’s Department
Customer Insight – Care-link / Telecare uptake Customer Analysis Chief Executive’s Department
Customer Insight – Care-link / Telecare uptake Customer Analysis Profile group Household % help This shows the percentage of households of each type in your Local Authority Service % help This shows the percentage of transactions of each type for this service Index help This shows the propensity for usage of this service for each type Household % Service % Index A: Rural solitude 0.10% 157.7 B: Small town diversity 6.50% 7.50% 115.8 C: Alpha territory 1.60% 0.90% 55.9 D: Professional rewards 7.80% 3.60% 45.9 E: Suburban mindsets 18.90% 8.30% 44.1 F: Careers & kids 6.60% 1.30% 20.1 G: Liberal opinions 0.40% 39.6 H: New homemakers 1.10% 17.3 I: Terraced melting pot 14.10% 5.60% 39.5 J: Industrial heritage 11.90% 8% 67.4 K: Ex-council community 6.80% 7.10% 104.1 L: Active retirement 189.5 M: Elderly needs 40.40% 725.7 N: Upper floor living 2.70% 40.5 O: Claimant cultures 6.40% 7.70% 120.8 Chief Executive’s Department
Customer Insight – Care-link / Telecare uptake Postcode Profile group code Short profile group name Average house hold income band HES - Emergency Receiving information Accessing the service On benefits Use public transport Smoking Internet Tele-phone SMS text Interactive TV Branch / Face to face N.Newspapers Local papers Magazines (General) Mobile phone Post Branch / face-to-face Phone M25 9XE A Rural solitude High Average Low Below average Above average M45 7QJ M25 9PX L Active retirement M25 9PD M25 1JL M Elderly needs M45 8RY O Claimant cultures M45 8RJ Chief Executive’s Department
Customer Insight – Care-link / Telecare uptake Summary The following groups are more likely to use the service M – Elderly needs O – Claimant culture L - Active retirement A – Rural solitude B – Small town diversity Afford to pay for service A, B and L groups have high – below average income levels; and below average on receiving benefits M and O groups are low on income levels and high on receiving benefits Chief Executive’s Department
Customer Insight – Care-link / Telecare uptake Summary Best methods to inform potential clients of the service Group “A” are best contacted through General Magazines and prefer face to face to receive the service The best method for groups “M” and “O” are local papers and face to face; and prefer face to face to receive the service Group “L” prefers face to face to receive information and post, face to face to access the services Chief Executive’s Department
Customer Insight – Care-link / Telecare uptake ESD-TOOLKIT DEMO Chief Executive’s Department
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