Patient Monitoring System Mobile Ad Hoc Network P.M.S.M.A.N. Members:- Stan Arnold Femi Ayatian William Binns Joel Cox Rhett Slater
Develop a working simulation to test the efficiency of devices on a wireless ad-hoc network. The simulator will assist in analyzing power management and end-to-end reliability of devices on the network, while taking different variables into account. Some of those variables include device power, device density, number of hops, and delays in end to end signal transmission. We expect to maximize the network efficiency and end-to- end reliability so that further research can be carried out on this subject. Description
Experiences/Challenges Agreeing on one solution/perspective for the project (e.g. Java v C++) Group communication during design and documentation portions Needing continuous sponsor input and clarification (slightly frustrating) Learning new information pertaining to wireless and ad hoc networks Extracting essential information from large volumes of material available to us. Problems using online repository (Windows ) Experiences/Challenges
Design We are developing a desktop application using JAVA. We are using an SVN repository for our code, to ease in collaboration of code. We will start with a console implementation and build a GUI on top for ease of use. As of now, we have three classes defined for the simulation side of the application. (Device, DeviceList, Message). Design
GUI Prototype Design
Currently we have the SVN repository setup with all of our source code. We have our main three simulation classes coded for base functionality. Of our four protocols, we have one protocol with a rough implementation. We are in the process of testing/debugging. Current Status
Current Status Sample Code for Device Class Method to determine if a particular device is in range. public boolean deviceInRange(int destId, int protocol, DeviceList list){ /** * Takes the input of the Destination Device Id and determines if the * Node is in range of the Sending Device. */ boolean inRange; double range = this.txPower * protocol; Device destination = getDeviceById(destId, list); Point destinationCoords = destination.coords; double x = destinationCoords.getX(); double y = destinationCoords.getY(); if(this.coords.distance(x, y) <= range && this.deviceID != destId){ inRange = true; } else inRange = false; return inRange; Current Status
Current Status Sample Code for Device Class Method that returns the nearest in range. Will be used for optimum transmission protocols. public int findNearestNode(DeviceList listOfDevices, int protocol) { /*Initiates the minimum distance as the range of the device. If no *device is found with a distance less than the range, all devices *are out of range and 0 is returned. */ double range = this.txPower * protocol; int nearest = 0; Device remoteNode; Point remotePoint; double x, y, distance; double minDistance = range; for (int i = 0; i < listOfDevices.size(); i ++){ remoteNode = listOfDevices.peek(i); remotePoint = remoteNode.coords; x = remotePoint.getX(); y = remotePoint.getY(); distance = this.coords.distance(x, y); if (this.deviceID != remoteNode.deviceID && distance < minDistance){ minDistance = distance; nearest = remoteNode.deviceID} } return nearest; Current Status
Design Details
Design Details Main Classes Device Message Protocol Patient monitoring device Message what is being sent(information) Protocol how it will be sent priority/power level Design Details
time management keeping up with project sponsor Update on concerns
Additional Information Testing Plan is incomplete Will need to be developed further Application must function properly Additional Information