Hunger in Arkansas
What does it feel like to be hungry?
What do you do when you are hungry? Where does food come from?
What is a healthy diet? Food Guide Plate
How to find out about a healthy diet!
What are jobs that deal with food?
What else is a part of agriculture?
Temple Grandin Revolutionized slaughterhouses so that animals can be slaughtered in a humane way. Has autism but uses that to push her to do better.
George Washington Carver Harvested peanuts and made many useful things such as: milk, cheese, soap, and grease. Used peanut oil to help relieve symptoms related to polio.
Hippocratres/Sir Francis Bacon Created first known water purification system – used a cloth bag as a water filter. Used a sand filtration system to purify water. Was used during a cholera outbreak to decontaminate water.
Henry A. Wallace Vice President who oversaw the creation of the Food Stamp program and the School Lunch program. Worked to improve the agricultural and farming industry.
Robert Fraley Worked to create genetically engineered plants. Soybeans were the first plants with widespread success.
Cyrus McCormick “Father of Modern Agriculture” Invented the mechanical reaper so that it didn’t take a team of men to cut and reap the harvest.
John Deere Improved the plow by using steel instead of iron. Creates high quality agricultural and construction equipment.
Norman Borlaug Nobel Peace Prize winner Conducted wheat breeding and research programs. “Taught the world to feed itself.”
Fritz Haber Nobel Prize winner Haber-Bosch process – taking nitrogen in the air and converting it so plants can use it. Was able to mass produce nitrogen fertilizer inexpensively.
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