QlikView and Salesforce.com Integration Marcus Spitzmiller
QlikView Component Architecture HTTP / HTTPS AJAX Mobile Presentation Layer Web Server (QlikView or IIS) Multi-tiered Architecture One Tier Two Tier Three Tier (or more) Security Integrated Application Layer QlikView Server Active Directory LDAP Simple QlikView Developer QVD and QVW files QlikView Publisher Windows servers Windows files Single Mgmt Console Data Access Layer ODBC OLEDB Custom
Integration Overview iFrame in Salesforce.com embeds QlikView Application Uses Salesforce.com AppExchange API for authentication Uses QlikView Salesforce.com Connector for data integration Freely available code: http://community.qlikview.com/docs/DOC-3730
QlikView and Salesforce.com Integration Thanks to Stefan Walther for the screenshot!
Authentication / Authorization Authenticate Navigate to QlikView Tab iFrame to SFDCLogin.aspx Pass SFDC Session ID, Server URL, QlikView Document App Exchange API Pass SFDC Session ID, Server URL Receive UserInfo QlikView Web Server SFDCLogin.aspx DMZ Authentication Create Session UserInfo / Document Translate IDs Internal Network Authorization QlikView Server Apply Lookup QlikView Publisher 5
Data Integration Salesforce Connector pulls data DMZ Authentication Web Server DMZ Authentication Internal Network Authorization QV Server Apply Lookup QV Publisher 6
Authentication / Authorization Ports 443 iFrame: 80 / 443 App Exchange API: 443 QlikView Web Server DMZ Authentication AD: 389 Internal Network Sessions: 4747 (Encrypted) Authorization QlikView Server Apply: 4747 (Encrypted) /SMB AD: 389 QlikView Publisher 7
Data Integration Ports Salesforce Connector: 443 Web Server DMZ Authentication Internal Network Authorization QV Server Apply: 4747/SMB AD: 389 QV Publisher 8
Thank You!
Appendix – Row and Column Security
QlikView Security – Dynamic Reduction Architecture overview 1/3
QlikView Security – Row and Column Entitlements Entitlements Associate with Data Model to drive data visibility Data Model
QlikView Security – Row and Column Sourced from Management Console Sourced from Database