Explorer Simulation Brookside Elementary
Explorers, you must now decide if you will take the deal offered by Spain or will you try your luck with Portugal. Spain Portugal
Royal Charter of Spain To Portugal. Will you accept the offer from Spain? If so, get a paper copy of the charter, record that you are sailing for Spain in your ship’s log and click the “Keep calm and go on an adventure button.” If not, click on the “Back to Portugal” button. To Portugal.
Royal Charter of Portugal Will you accept the offer from Portugal? If so, get a paper copy of the charter, record that you are sailing for Portugal in your ship’s log and click the “Keep Calm and go on an adventure” button. If not, click the “Back to Spain button.” To Spain
Go Back to Spain If you decide not to take the deal with Portugal, your must go back to Spain and beg King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella for another chance. Choose someone with good Negotiation Skill to roll the dice. If the person rolls a number equal to or lower than his Negotiation Skill number, the group gets the original deal with Spain. If the roll fails (the person spins a number higher than his Negotiation Skill number), the group gets the same deal as except now they get the same poor supplies as are given to those sailing for Portugal. Get a paper copy of the charter, record that you are sailing for Spain in your ship’s log and click the “Keep calm and go on an adventure” button.
Episode 2: The Journey Begins Record the date on your ship’s log…..
Scenario 1: The First Step Each group must now make the following checks: Supply Check Navigation Check
Supply Check
Navigation Check
Shore Leave You have now reached your first destination - the Canary Islands if you are sailing for Spain, and the Azores if you are sailing for Portugal. On these islands you can refresh your supplies before sailing West. Each group must now decide if the crew should be given shore leave before setting off again. The Captain has advised that, “If we do not give the crew shore leave and a chance to relax before we sail, we may have some very upset sailors. On the other hand, if we do give them shore leave, they may get into trouble on the island or even desert and not come back to the ship!” Discuss your options with your group. Click on one of the links below when you have come to a decision. Give them leave. No leave.
No Leave! If you decide not to let the crew have shore leave, lower the crew’s Morale by 1 point in the Ship’s Log.
Shore Leave! If you decide to let the crew have shore leave, explorers in your group will have to make Common Sense spins to keep the crew out of trouble. If you have a good crew (from Portugal) make two common sense spins. If you have a poor crew (from Spain), make three Common Sense spins. Each spin must be made by a different explorer from the group. For each failed spin (an explorer spins a number higher than his Common Sense number), lower the crew’s Morale by 1 point and add one week in the Ship’s Log. (Additional Supply and Navigation checks are not required for these weeks since they are spent in port trying to round up missing sailors.)
Scenario 2: Barely a Breeze Your ship has been sailing due west for a week under a merciless sun and over seemingly endless seas. The decks are frequently wetted down with seawater to keep the wood from splitting under the heat of the sun. Take time to make your Supply and Navigation Checks. Supply Navigation After all Supply Checks and Navigation Checks are complete, it is time to face your next challenge...
Waiting for the Wind? You now need to decide if you will wait for the wind or tow the boat until the wind picks up.
Wait for the wind….
Tow the Boat...
Supply Check 2
Supply Check 3
Navigation Check 2
Navigation Check 3
It Was a Dark and Scary Night
Supply Check 3
Navigation Check 3
It Was a Dark and Scary Night 2 Each explorer in each group MUST make a Common Sense spin. Refer to the chart and then click below. We didn’t make it!
Storm 1 Ship’s Mishap Table
Storm 2
Storm 3
Ship’s Mishap Table
Ship’s Mishap Table 2
Navigation Check 4
Navigation Check 5
Supply Check 4
Supply Check 5
Storm Damage Ship’s Storm Damage Table
Storm Damage Table
Supply Check 6
Navigation Check 6
Scenario 2: Cramped, Bored and Wearing on Each Other’s Nerves Another week has passed and you need to make another Supply and Navigation check.
Supply Check 7
Navigation Check 7
Scenario 2: Page 2
Scenario 2: Negotiation Skill
Episode 4: Land Ho Another week has passed and the crew has reached their breaking point. It is now time to make a Navigation and Supply check.
Supply Check 8
Navigation Check 8
Scenario 1: A Sign of Hope
Scenario: Land Ho
Scenario 3: East meets West Get out your weapons in case the natives are hostile. Try to talk to whomever is in the forest. Ignore the natives and see what they do.
1 - East Meets West
2 - East meets West
3 - East meets West
1 - Natives
2 - Native
3 - Native
In Search of Gold Keep looking for gold Sail home now
Keep looking for gold Underwater Reef Table
Underwater Reef Table
Sunken ship
Sail home Sailing for home
Sailing for home.
Supply Check 9
Navigation Check 9