SESSION PLAN Windward – which is the windward boat? Subject Welcome Windward – which is the windward boat? Welcome 1-minute Introduction to the session. If cadets are to receive slide #07 as a handout, ensure they are available and suggest do not hand out until relevant time (pens also to be available) Activity #1 10-minute Slide 2 to 8 with discussion and answer questions on answer screen as necessary. These slides introduce the basic concepts of Windward and Leeward. Activity #2 10-minute Slide 9 – 27 are discussion questions and answers and consolidate the earlier slides with different scenarios. Consolidation 5-minute Summary and consolidation Slide #28 Feedback Lessons Learnt Session plan Ref SCC_G_Windward Course Sailing, general information Group/Award Aim To enable cadets to understand the difference between Windward and Leeward sides of a boat, how to identify them and what rules apply Training format Presentation with discussion Supports IRPCS12 Sailing Optional: Slide #07 as handout/quiz sheet – if running quiz also pens Duration 30 minutes References None Training aids PowerPoint presentation: SCC_P_GS02_Windward Notes/Handouts Diversity Ensure visibility of slide presentation Risk V00.00 04/09/16 Initial draft
Sailing: which tack am I on? Sailing Boat: Windward Determining if a sailing boat is windward of another sailing boat
Windward and Leeward Wind The Windward side of the boat is the one nearest the wind Y If the boom is on the other side of the boat, then this must be the Windward side The Leeward side of the boat is the one furthest from wind The Leeward side of the boat is the one were the boom is
Windward boat Wind The International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea [IRPCS] rule 12 and the Racing Rules of Sailing [RRS] rule 11 says that when two boats are on the same tack the windward boat shall keep clear (give-way vessel). Y
Windward boat? Wind What do you see here? What do you think the situation is?
Windward boat Wind If the boats are not overlapped then, in this image the yellow boat could be seen as overtaking boat. Under IRPCS13 and RRS12 the overtaking boat must keep clear (give-way vessel) Y
Which is the windward side? L B K C J D I E H F G
Which is the windward side? The windward side is the side nearest to the wind. Because this is difficult to determine when a boat is sailing downwind – you look at the boom. The boom with be on the Leeward side and the other side must be the Windward side. L B K C J D I E H F G
Windward boat 1 Wind Which is the windward boat? Y
Windward boat 1 Wind Which is the windward boat? Yellow, but if she is going faster than blue she is also overtaking boat and must keep clear (give-way) IRPCS13. Y
Windward boat 2 Wind Which is the windward boat? Y
Windward boat 2 Wind Which is the windward boat? Yellow Y
Windward boat 3 Wind Which is the windward boat? Y
Windward boat 3 Wind Which is the windward boat? Yellow Y
Windward boat 4 Wind Which is the windward boat? Y
Windward boat 4 Wind Which is the windward boat? Whilst yellow is closer to the wind the boats are on different tacks. The yellow boat is on Port-tack and the purple on Starboard-tack. The Port boat, yellow, in this situation is the give-way vessel and must keep clear. Y
Windward boat 5 Wind Which is the windward boat? Y
Windward boat 5 Wind Which is the windward boat? Both boats are on the same tack and therefore yellow, closest to the wind, must keep clear Y
Windward boat 6 Wind Which is the windward boat? Y
Windward boat 6 Wind Which is the windward boat? Whilst yellow is closest to the wind they are on different tacks and therefore the Port-tack boat must keep clear – purple. Y
Windward boat 7 Wind Which is the windward boat? Y
Windward boat 7 Wind Which is the windward boat? They are both on the same tack, but neither is clearly to windward or leeward. Y What happens in this situation?
Windward boat 7 Wind Which is the windward boat? If there is doubt as to who is Windward or Leeward then assume that both must keep clear. Y
Windward boat 8 Wind Which is the windward boat? Y
Windward boat 8 Wind Which is the windward boat? If a boat on Port-tack, yellow, can not determine which tack the other boat is on she should assume that she must keep clear (give-way) Y
Windward boat 9 On a tall ship, which has a number of sails, if the sails were on different sides of the vessel – how would you tell which is Windward and which is Leeward?
Windward boat 9 On a tall ship (square rigger) Windward and Leeward is determined by the largest fore and aft sails
When on the same tacks the Windward boat shall keep clear (give-way vessel)