Political Experience
What is Politics? Process by which society makes its governing decisions Whose values or ideas will prevail in society The ability to manipulate the uneducated voter Who gets what, when, and how
What is Politics? In fact, the whole purpose of political parties is to WIN elections “Just win baby” The inevitable result is… Political Conflict
Political Conflict is rooted in: Scarcity: not enough wealth/resources to satisfy everyone; therefore, conflict will result over this wealth/resources Ex. School financing – Beavercreek vs. Dayton Public Value Differences: Ex. Abortion – To some, it is the freedom of choice; to others, it is murder To sum, politics is a competition for power among a great many interests of all kinds
Political Beliefs When analyzing political beliefs, it’s important to ask 5 essential questions: What role should gov’t. play in our lives? What’s the proper balance between freedom & security? What role should the gov’t. play in the economy? Is the Constitution a document that is to be interpreted? What role should the US play internationally?
Political Ideologies What is an ideology? Consistent pattern of opinion on particular issues that stems from one’s core values Ex. Communism – believe in material equality; a communist would support wage & welfare policies designed to spread wealth more evenly across society
Liberal Beliefs Liberals: Favor an activist gov’t. in providing economic security and if necessary, redistribute wealth Reject government having a particular set of values Favor personal choice in social/moral issues
Liberal Beliefs Typically support Democrats Consider themselves the party of change Gov’t. should have empathy, compassion, & trust its people Few gov’t. restrictions in private lives Gov’t. should regulate economy for everyone’s benefit More even distribution of wealth
Liberal Beliefs Gov’t. should encourage civil rights/affirmative action through legislation Supported by poor and a variety of ethnic/minority groups Key Doctrine = Fairness More critical of America’s past/history in order to stimulate change FDR
Conservative Beliefs Conservatives: Favor a hands-off government in determining economic security (let the market work!) Government should uphold traditional social values (Ex. Gay marriage)
Conservative Beliefs Typically support Republican More traditional values and look back to a better time in America (These kids now a days) Support state rights Legislating social/moral codes of conduct Strong sense of right and wrong Tend to be more “religious”
Conservative Beliefs Want limited government involvement in economy Capitalism works best when few restrictions are placed on it Proud, positive view of American history Promote free trade with other nations Against “socialized medicine” (gov’t. control of health care) Ronald Reagan
3. Libertarian Beliefs Oppose activist gov’t. in the economy and upholding traditional social values Support maximum Liberty in both personal & economic matters (free market) Advocate a much smaller government Support Individual Responsibility Oppose high taxation Tolerate diverse lifestyles
4. Populist Beliefs Want gov’t. to have a great deal of power/involvement over the economy & individual behavior Doubt whether economic liberty & individual freedom are practical options in today’s world Distrust free market & support centralized economy Support high taxation Oppose diverse lifestyles Model: Joseph Stalin
Populist Conservative Liberal Libertarian Activist role for government in area of economic security Favor Oppose Activist role for government in area of upholding traditional values Populist Conservative Liberal Libertarian Favor Oppose
Differences between Liberals & Conservatives Cons value FREEDOM; Libs value EQUALITY Libs believe in Aid; Cons believe in Investment Cons – gov’t. is the problem, people the solution; Libs – people are the problem, gov’t. the solution Cons want to save civilization; Libs want to save wilderness Cons value Individual Responsibility; Libs value Social Responsibility
Differences between Liberals & Conservatives Libs think illegal immigrants are exploited; Cons think illegal immigrants wouldn’t keep coming here if Libs were correct about what happens to them Cons believe in Capital Punishment but not Abortion; Libs believe in Abortion but not Capital Punishment Libs believe war is best averted by disarming; Cons believe war is best averted by preparing for war Cons believe equal opportunity means best person wins; Libs believe equal opportunity means equal results
Ideologies Libertarians: Oppose an activist government in regulating the economy Oppose the government upholding traditional social values
Ideologies Populists: Favor an activist government in the economy Favor government upholding traditional social values