Key Population Community taking the Lead. Edo Agustian, National Coordinator Persaudaraan Korban Napza Indonesia Indonesian Drug User Network
Vision “Drug users who share power with other community members to realize social justice and fulfill human rights.“ Mission Struggle for human rights fulfillment of People who Use Drugs (PUD) Conduct capacity building and education for PUD and broader society Advocate for evidence-based, humane drug policy; Develop strategic partnerships and work collaboratively with government, civil society, private sector and other stakeholders; Provide technical assistance to local drug user member organisations towards achieving the broader vision of the network.
Main achievements Promote comprehensive and quality harm reduction services, particularly in 11 intervention provinces. Implement community-led monitoring for community-based drug dependence treatment facilities funded by the Global Fund and National AIDS Commission. Coordinate Peer Paralegal Program for PUD who come into contact with police. Provide a national baseline on the needs of women who inject drugs through the first quantitative study on HIV risk among this group via the Perempuan Bersuara/Women Speak Out study in collaboration with Oxford University Develop and implement the first training module in Indonesia to increase awareness of HIV, viral hepatitis, and tuberculosis (TB) co-infection among the PUD community. Lead harm reduction services quality monitoring, in collaboration with the National AIDS Commission and Ministry of Health. Conduct a joint qualitative study with Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association to identify barriers to accessing HIV interventions, including sexual and reproductive health and rights, by people who inject drugs. Participate as member of National Narcotics advisory board to develop national standard for drug dependence treatment
Community engagement Leadership Research Service implementing Community-led monitoring Harm reduction service quality monitoring
National SR GF ATM-NFM Working in 11 provinces 12 SSR partners Delivering HR comprehensive services Working with cross section community (IDU, MSM and TG) Targets and coverage across two specific streams: 1. PWID and other key affected populations 2. General population
Results After more than 8 years of existence, PKNI has successfully: Informed improvements to harm reduction service delivery as the result of the quality assessments led by PKNI Become a leader in advocating for the rights of people who use drugs in Indonesia. We represent a united platform for self-organised drug user groups across 19 of the provinces with the highest prevalence of HIV and injecting drug use, making it one of the strongest, community-run stakeholders in the country excluding 11 provinces which covered by GF ATM-NFM. Are recognised as an equal partner in the Indonesia’s HIV response. PKNI has been invited by the National AIDS Commission to become an official partner in implementing HIV programming and policies at both the provincial and national level, as a result of its advocacy
Challenges: Bureaucracy within and outside the organization Lacks of resources (human resources and funds) Synergize the work at the local level with national and regional priorities Strengthening the communication and coordination system Strengthening management system Partnership and network with cross cutting issues Strategic information for advocacy needs.
Lessons learned Equal partnership is the most valued aspect to provide success and comprehensive program. KAP engagement at every level is necessary for a successful response to HIV and HCV. Strong leadership delivering strong community movement = successful advocacy.
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