Global Change in Mountain Regions (GLOCHAMORE) Thomas Schaaf UNESCO Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences Programme on Man and the Biosphere (MAB)
Why mountains? Have a varied system of different ecosystems and habitats (altitude, exposition, gradient); Fragile ecosystems (erosion, land degradation); excellent indicators for studying and monitoring climate change temp. Alpine zone Temperate zone Sub-tropical zone Tropical zone
Mountain biosphere reserves as monitoring sites for global change: contain protected areas (natural or near-natural environments); contain areas that are economically used; most BRs dispose of long-term climatic data and species list; BRs contain also people impact of global change on human societies; Partnership of biosphere reserve managers and scientists.
Mountain Regions (GLOCHAMORE) Global Change in Mountain Regions (GLOCHAMORE) Setting up a world-wide network of mountain biosphere reserves to study global change; Bringing together global change researchers and protected area managers; sponsored by European Commission; MRI; and UNESCO
Objectives: To understand the causes and impacts of Global Change in mountain regions; Focus on the consequences of global change for the biophysical environment and for human societies
Mountain biosphere reserves / world heritage sites as study areas North America: Canada: Mount Arrowsmith BR (1,817) USA: Glacier National Park BR (3,185m) USA: Niwot Ridge BR (3,780m) USA: Denali BR (6,194m) Latin America: Chile: Araucarias BR (3,124m) Chile: Torres del Paine BR (3,050m) Colombia: Cinturón Andino BR (5,750m) Peru: Huascaran BR (6,768m)
Africa: Kenya: Mount Kenya BR (5,199m) Morocco: Oasis du Sud BR (4,071m) South Africa : Kruger to Canyons BR (2,050m) Asia-Pacific: Australia: Kosciuszko BR (2,228m) China: Changbaishan BR (2,691m) India: Nanda Devi BR (7,800m). Kyrgyzstan: Issyk-Kul BR (7,439m) Mongolia: Uvs Nuur Basin BR (3,966m) Russian Federation: Katunsky BR (4,506m); Sikhote-Alinsky BR (1,600m)
Europe: Austria: Gossenköller See (2,828m) & Gurgler Kamm BRs (3,400m) Germany: Berchtesgaden Alps BR (2,713m) Spain: Sierra Nevada BR (3,482m) Sweden: Lake Torne BR (1,610m) Switzerland: Entlebuch BR (2,350m) Switzerland: Swiss National Park (3,174m)
Result: Research strategy worked out for application in the Americas European Commission Result: Research strategy worked out for application in the Americas Asia-Pacific Africa Europe