ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Entire Course FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT ISCOM 361 Week 1 Individual Assignment Policies and Procedures Summary ISCOM 361 Week 1 DQ 1 ISCOM 361 Week 1 DQ 2 ISCOM 361 Week 1 DQ 3 ISCOM 361 Week 2 Individual Assignment The Purchasing Cycle
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 1 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT How would you describe capital goods? Some organizations do not include the purchasing department in acquiring capital goods. Is this effective? Why or why not?
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 1 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What is the difference between a policy and a procedure? Why is it important for an organization to have a set of policies and procedures? Should management regularly review these policies and
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 1 DQ 3 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT How has technology changed supply management in the last 20 years? Have changes been positive? What are potential disadvantages of not keeping up-to-date with technology?
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 1 Purchasing Strategies FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Resources: Internet, University Library, Textbook Write a 700- to 1050-word paper that defines the similarities and differences of the purchasing strategy you will use at each stage of the Product Life Cycle of your company’s specific product. Identify a company or industry that you are either familiar with or one that you would like to become more familiar with. As a purchasing professional of the chosen company or industry, identify a
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 2 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What negotiation model does your organization use with suppliers? Is it participative, antagonistic or something else? Provide your reasoning. Does the organization benefit from this model? How could it
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 2 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Explain the role third-party logistics providers play in your organization. Based on Exhibit 17.8 on p. 643 of Purchasing & Supply Chain Management, is it always advantageous to use a third-party logistics provider? Why or why not? How does using such a provider create a competitive advantage for an organization?
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 2 DQ 3 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT How do technology practices, such as Internet buying, affect negotiation?
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 2 DQ 3 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT How do technology practices, such as Internet buying, affect negotiation?
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 2 Video Analysis FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Resources: Internet, University Library Watch the “Cooperate With Suppliers From The Start” video. Write a 700-word summary that critiques the video based on your experiences. Identify those areas that you agree and disagree with the speaker. Cite specific examples to support your thoughts.
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 3 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What is a supplier evaluation? Why is it important? When might an organization conduct a supplier evaluation?
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 3 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What is global sourcing? Is it the most cost-effective option for organizations? Why or why not? What are some factors to consider?
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 3 DQ 3 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What must retailers consider when determining their product mix? Why is having a proper product mix important?
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 3 Effective Supplier Evaluations FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Resources: Internet, University Library, Textbook Your Supply Chain Manager has assigned you the responsibility of developing a new Supplier Evaluation process for your company. Your company has experienced an unfavorable trend in low
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 3 E-Procurement Business Case Development FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Resources: Internet, University Library, Textbook Your team has been chosen to develop a business case for implementing an E-Procurement system for your commodity products.
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 4 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT The parties to a sourcing negotiation can discuss many issues besides price. Select five non-price issues over which a buyer and seller can reach agreement, and explain why each issue might be important to the buyer or seller.
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 4 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT What is the relationship among contract law, the UCC, and commercial law? Why is it important for purchasing managers to understand legal issues? Isn’t that what lawyers are for?
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 4 DQ 3 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Discuss the concept of ethics. Why is the purchasing profession particularly sensitive to this topic? What are the different risks associated with unethical behavior?
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 4 Media Library Negotiating Strategies and Tactics FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Resources: Internet, University Library, Textbook Watch the “Media Library Negotiating Strategies and Tactics” video. Write a 700-word summary of the video. Include your thoughts about the validity of the strategies and tactics mentioned, and why or why not you would follow the recommendations. Include application
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 4 Negotiation Plan Development FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Resources: Internet, University Library, Textbook, Excel Using the purchase material or component from your W
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 5 DQ 1 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT How has measuring and evaluating purchasing performance been limited in the past? How has this changed? Do you agree an organization must increase its efforts to measure performance? Why or why
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 5 DQ 2 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT How do you see technology changing purchasing strategies in the future? How might this affect your own organization? What are some strategies that companies can use to help employees deal with these changes?
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 5 Managing a Crisis Simulation FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Resources: Internet, University Library, Textbook You are a Supply Chain Manager of a building supply company. Your company sells building materials to building contractors, home improvement construction companies, as well as the do-it-yourself weekend project homeowners. You have been struggling with the supplier of roofing nails for several months and you are fast
CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martdotcom ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/ ISCOM 361 Week 5 Risk Management Plan FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Your company produces medical devices and purchases plastic molded fittings from a company in Beijing, China. It is rumored the Chinese supplier is being acquired by a plastics company in Saratov, Russia. If this acquisition is completed, the fabrication of the plastic fittings will be relocated to Saratov. It is expected to take six months to transition production to the new location once the agreement is signed.
ISCOM 361 MASTER Education Redefined/