ATSOCAS “Netherthorpes hangers are near the Queens head”
‘Air Traffic Services Outside Controlled Airspace’ ATSOCAS ‘Air Traffic Services Outside Controlled Airspace’ ATSOCAS 1
ATSOCAS effective from 12 March 2009
Where will the ATSOCAS rules apply? Classes F & G airspace, which is everywhere outside controlled airspace, and in active TRAs. …This is an… ‘unknown traffic environment’ RULES APPLY
4 levels of Service Basic Traffic Deconfliction Procedural
Basic Service Pilot: Maximum autonomy…. Without controller agreement – can alter heading, route or level at will. Controller/FISO: NO involvement in collision avoidance. Transponder code…can be allocated! IMC: NOT appropriate. BASIC
Traffic Service Pilot: Responsible for collision avoidance. Controller: Provide information about surveillance derived traffic that may conflict. NO avoidance advice. Aircraft has to be identified. IMC: NOT appropriate. TRAFFIC
Deconfliction Service Pilot: Must be able to accept headings or levels that will take them into IMC. Controller: Provide information about surveillance derived traffic that may conflict. Avoidance advice given. Aircraft has to be identified. IMC: YES… not appropriate for VFR DECONFLICTION
Procedural Service Pilot: Responsible for collision avoidance. Must be able to accept routing or level instructions for flight in IMC. Controller: Non-surveillance service. Issues – headings, level and time instructions. IMC: YES… PROCEDURAL 1
Procedural Service Provided at airfields without a surveillance system to aircraft on IFR approaches or departures. Traffic information provided on known traffic. Transponder code can be issued ..but.. Does NOT imply a surveillance system is provided. Deconfliction instructions will be issued. PROCEDURAL 2
Summary VMC – Basic & Traffic service. IMC - Deconfliction & Procedural service. ATS surveillance – Traffic & Deconfliction service. Terrain clearance – None FISO – Basic service only SUMMARY
Typical RT exchange….’Traffic service’ “Doncaster Radar G PHLY request Traffic service” “G PHLY Doncaster Radar pass your message” “G PHLY Cessna 150 Netherthorpe to Sherburn 2 miles west of Netherthorpe at 2000 ft. Request Traffic service” “G LY Traffic service, squawk 6160 QNH 1012, remain clear of controlled airspace, report approaching the M62” “ Squawk 6160 QNH 1012,remain clear of controlled airspace, report M62, G LY” RT - TRAFFIC
Typical RT exchange..’Deconfliction service’ “Waddington Radar G PNIX for Deconfliction service” “G PNIX Waddington Radar pass your message” “G PNIX Cessna 150 Netherthorpe to Fenland 2 miles north of Mansfield at 2000 ft. Request Deconfliction service” “G IX Deconfliction service, remain clear of controlled airspace, climb and report level 3000ft QNH 1001 and squawk 3606” “ Remain clear of controlled airspace, climb and report level 3000ft QNH 1001,squawking 3606, G IX” RT - DECONFLICTION
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