Presented by Daniel Mattingly Associate Professor @ SIU AvTech Technological Advances of Diesel Engines within the Aviation Industry 2016 ASA Multidisciplinary Research Symposium Presented by Daniel Mattingly Associate Professor @ SIU AvTech
Presentation Outline Introduction Four Stroke Diesel Engines Two Stroke Diesel Engines Applications Advantages and Disadvantages Conclusion
Introduction First Diesel Engine Invented by Rudolph Diesel in France First successful engine operated in 1897 First patent for diesel approved in 1898 First Aircraft Powered by Diesel Engine Modified Stinson Detroiter aircraft that flew in 1928
(Retrieved from Golden Wings
Four Stroke Diesel Engines (Retrieved from
Two Stroke Diesel Engines (Retrieved from
Fixed Wing Applications Cessna 182 JT-A Skylane SMA SR305-230 turbocharged diesel Cessna 172 JT-A Skyhawk Continental CD-155 turbocharged diesel cycle engine Diamond DA42 Twin Star Centurion AE300 turbocharged diesel cycle engine with FADEC
Helicopter Applications Eurocopter EC120 Austro AE440 Turbocharged High Compression Engine (HCE) Airbus H120 Austro AE440 HCE with FADEC
Advantages and Disadvantages Diesel Advantages More fuel efficient Cost less to operate and maintain Up to 45% less fuel than comparable reciprocating engine using avgas Longer service life Lower exhaust and noise emissions Reductions up to 40% in CO2 and 50% NOx
Advantages and Disadvantages Diesel Disadvantages Lower power to weight ratio Most costly to produce
Conclusion Will the owners/operators be able to afford the new technology? Revisions to AMT school curriculum to include additional instruction relative to diesel engines.
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