EPAM Cloud Orchestration Hello everyone, welcome to EPAM Cloud Orchestration v.2.1.73 overview video EPAM Cloud Orchestration V.2.1.77 September 3, 2016
EPAM Orchestration v.2.1.77 Update Overview India, Welcome on Board! Infrastructure Updates Platform Services Updates EPAM-IN1 region is introduced SSD Introduction in Minsk Migration to Open Stack EPAM-RU1 decommissioning, EPAM-RU2/US2 introduction New Services: Splunk, Magento, ATG Existing services improved ACS service unified Cloud UI Updates Security Updates Knowledge Sharing 3 documents updated Service Catalog Updated Cloud trainings in progress EPAM Cloud Badges introduced IAM Users control for advanced management group Managed policies resolution Cost Estimator updated Cloud Monitoring: more project details Access to EPAM Services See more at https://epa.ms/cloud-2173
Trainings: Become a Certified Expert with EPAM Cloud The first session of Effective Cloud Computing Training was completed. 72 people attended the course. Most attendees subscribed for the course in order to improve their knowledge. Still, there are those who are absolutely new to the subject Attendees are absolutely satisfied with the course. There were no complains. 44 EPAMers passed free AWS certification after the training was completed See more on AWS Partner Network program at https://epa.ms/cloud-apn
New Region: India, Welcome on Board! EPAM Cloud introduces a new region, EPAM-IN1. The new region is based in the OpenStack (Mitaka 9.0.1) technology and has the following specifics: Billing coefficient: 1 Storage volumes are billed by provisioned, not by used, space Checkpoints are disabled Graceful shutdown (or2stop) functionality is not available The commands from other groups (as listed in Maestro CLI Reference Guide) are mostly available, but some are disabled. View instance pool scope is not available + Network specifics Activate at EPAM Support Portal: https://epa.ms/cloud-activate
RU2 6XL Infrastructure Updates In addition to a new region, we started big infrastructure restructuring processes, and we are already gradually implementing them: SSD Introduction in Minsk. About 40% VMs in EPAM-BY1 were moved to SSD. Within a year, region migration to SSD will be completed. Migration to OpenStack. The gradual migration to OpenStack Mitaka 9.0.1 has started. It is planned to complete the migration by the end of summer 2017. EPAM-RU1 Decommissioned. Over 300 VMs were moved from Saratov datacenter. Instead, EPAM-RU2 region (OpenStack + SSD), hosted in St.Petersburg, will be introduced. EPAM-US2 Region Coming Soon. The region is designed for large shapes usage and will allow VMs of up to 6XL shape (8CPU, 46GB RAM) RU2 6XL
New Platform Services Big Data: Splunk as a Service, based on Splunk Enterprise 6.3.1. You can request the service in the basic configuration, and, if necessary, apply additional proxy settings. E-Commerce: Magento as a Service, based on Magento 2.0 E-Commerce: ATG as a Service, based on ATG 11.2. Service activation in CLI or2ms –p PROJECT –r REGION –a activate –s splunk/magento/atg
Existing Services Updates Adobe AEM: PaaS mode allowed for AEM 6.2. Each instance, both author and publish, is created with its own dispatcher. Sitecore: Large mode enabled. The configuration involves several VMs each dedicated to a particular function: Sitecore Server + MongoDB MS SQL Jenkins Master Jenkins Slave Load Balancer Jenkins: Updated to Jenkins 2.0. Gerrit: Database changed to PostgreSQL.
Cloud Monitoring Updates Monthly Financial KPI is added to both Project and Region levels. VM Lifetime and Optimization metrics are now available not only on Project, but also on Region level.
IAM User Control via Maestro CLI or2-aws-iam (or2iam) command allows to provide the information about IAM users registered for the project and to allow the Advanced Management group (Project Managers/Coordinators, Account Managers, and Delivery Managers) delete the specified IAM User account or reassign it to another project member. The default action for the command is describe Standard command call: or2iam –p PROJECT –a describe Response: IAM User name User creation date IAM User group names MFA devices serial numbers Last password usage date
EPAM Cloud: Be a Hero! We always highly appreciate this input, and want to thank all our contributors and trainings attendees for their enthusiasm and interest in EPAM Cloud. There are six badges you can get by participating in Cloud educational and development activities: Passing Cloud basic education programs Passing Cloud advanced education programs Passing Cloud expert education programs Sharing own solutions with Cloud team Having high skills in Cloud automation and solutions Passing AWS Partner Network certifications
Documentation Updates Maestro CLI User Guide EPAM Cloud Services Guide Hybrid Cloud Guide https://epa.ms/cloud-doc-cli https://epa.ms/cloud-doc-services https://epa.ms/cloud-hybrid Service-related commands updated IAM users management command added New services added Existing services info updated IAM users management info added Glossary FAQ EO v.2.1.77 Update Documents https://epa.ms/cloud-glossary https://epa.ms/cloud-2177 https://epa.ms/cloud-faq Main concepts included Gives references to related sources Reviewed New questions added What’s New Release Notes Video Overview Find all documents on https://epa.ms/cloud-doc
Thank You For Attention! EPAM Cloud Consulting team (SpecialEPM-CSUPConsulting@epam.com)