Rules, regulations, and the awareness of what is and not yours. Copyright Rules, regulations, and the awareness of what is and not yours. By: Bianca Prieto
Infringement The action of breaking the terms of a law or agreement; violation. An instructor would not be allowed to use someone else’s work unless it were their own, material came from a public domain, or was given permission to be able to use.
Copyright Precautions Not only is copyright wrong, but it could also be a hefty fine if you are caught; copyright is not taken lightly. You can be sued by the creator/ copyright holder. If you are caught violating someone’s work (copyright), as a teacher you are breaking laws, which could violate your school’s policies and possible termination. Fair use does not always protect you, therefore be cautious what you use. Make sure you get permission before using any work.
Rules and Regulations About Copyright Cannot reproduce someone else’s work. Secondary work deriving from someone’s work is a must not. Cannot distribute copies Publicly displaying and performing work without giving credit to the original creator is wrong.