Key Stage 2 SATS – 2017
What are SATs and how do we prepare our children for them?
Key Stage 2 SATS 2017: Dates Day Test Monday 8th May 2017 English Reading Tuesday 9th May 2017 English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Wednesday 10th May 2017 Maths Paper 1 – Arithmetic and Maths Paper 2 – Problem Solving and Reasoning Thursday 11th May 2017 Maths Paper 3 – Problem Solving and Reasoning
How can you help your child to achieve their best between now and May? Reading – at least 3 times a week and ensure it is recorded in homework diaries. Timestables – practise, practise, practise! Spellings – word lists (in middle of reading records) and spelling patterns (to be sent home shortly when all patterns have been covered). Practise papers to revise from and redo. Revision guides – CGP/Rising Stars are the best. Additional Homework to be sent home as and when needed by the individual. Online Websites. Practise Abacus Maths objectives that children find difficult and encourage them to ask me if stuck. Homework – Friday (Maths) and Monday (English/Theme). Continually go over grammar terminology and encourage the children to give examples. There are lots of games online to help with this. Use the writing evaluation to help children edit and improve their work. Encourage them to attend booster classes – more information to follow in January.
How can you help your Child in SATs week? Have early nights all week. Ensure your child has breakfast. Ensure they arrive on time. Ensure they have a water bottle in school all week. Let them bring food for break time if they wish. Inform us if they are not feeling well at the earliest opportunity. Be positive – all we ask is that they do their best and we will all be very proud of them! Encourage them to attend breakfast club as this was a great success last year.
Writing Evaluation – a tool to help your child improve their writing! Paragraphs. Describe characters and settings. Powerful adjectives Similes Metaphors Adverbs Expanded noun phrases. Prepositions. Adverbials. Co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Range of punctuation. Correct tense. Modal Verbs. Passive and Active Verbs. Dialogue. Handwriting and Spelling.
Useful Websites These links are available on our website and more will be added throughout the year. Plus there are a whole load of different apps available for tablets and mobiles.
Cliffe House A 2-night residential visit to Cliffe House will take place on Wednesday 24th May to Friday 26th May 2017 – just before we break up for Spring Bank. More details regarding costs will be sent out in January and a question and answer session for parents will take place prior to the visit.
Any Questions?