English Learning Journey: The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo Narrative structure Features of adventure stories Story openings Planning and writing stories Features of autobiographies Character sketches Stories by the same author Links to narrative writing “At one with nature.”
Narrative structure Adventure stories Story openings What is the structure of narratives? What are paragraphs and how can I use them to structure my story writing? What is the best tense to use when writing stories? What is dialogue and how is it used to advance a story-line? What types of language can I use to improve the quality of my story writing? Adventure stories How are adventure stories structured? What strategies can I use to build suspense into my story? What types of words can I use to describe characters How can I move the story forward using dialogue? How many different ways can I start sentences? How can I use adjectives, similes and precise nouns to make my story more interesting? Story openings How can I ensure that the opening of my story seizes and holds the reader’s attention? What do I want the audience to learn in the opening of my story? How can I vary my sentences, punctuation and vocabulary to interest the reader?
Planning and writing stories Features of Biographies Character sketches How can I reveal my character’s feelings to the reader? Which important details do I need to include to fully describe my character? How can I show more about my character by what he/she does and says? Planning and writing stories What details do I need to include when planning my story? What do I need to include when writing an adventure story? How do I make sure that my story is the best it can be? Features of Biographies What is the structure of biographical writing? What features are included? How important is the final paragraph and what should it include?