Literary Terms B.AII. English Elective By Jaspreet Kaur Epic Epithet Literary Terms B.AII. English Elective By Jaspreet Kaur
Epic Heroic poem Long, narrative poem On a serious subject Elevated style Centered on a heroic/quasi-divine figure
Epic… Hero is a figure of great national/cosmic importance. Achilles in Iliad – A great warrior. Adam in Paradise Lost represents the entire human race. Setting is ample in scale. Paradise Lost takes place on earth, in Heaven, and in Hell.
Epic… Action involves superhuman deeds in battle, such as Achilles’ feats in the Trojan War. Gods and other supernatural beings take part in action- The Olympian Gods in Homer. Narrated in ceremonial style; deliberately distanced from ordinary speech; use of epic similes, epithets.
Epic… Begins with an epic question Begins in medias res. Catalogue of principal characters-Procession of fallen angels in Paradise Lost
Epithet Derived from Greek “epitheton” signifying “something added”. Adjective/adjectival phrase to define the special quality of a person/thing. Also a characterizing phrase that stands in place of a noun. Example - “glittering forfex” for scissors in The Rape Of The Lock
Epithet… Homeric epithet – a compound of two word. Used by Homer – “fleet- footed Achilles” Used by Pope for mock heroic effect Example – “seven fold fence” for Belinda’s petticoat. “Conventional” epithet – To identify historical/literary figures. Example – Charles the Great.