Final Exam Review Part 3 English II Fall Semester 2014
Jeopardy Persuasive Writing Rhetoric Similes & Metaphors Figurative Language Arguments Miscellaneous 10 20 30 40 50
What is the last sentence of the introduction to a persuasive paper?
Your opinion, or point of view, expressed in your thesis is called _____.
“Four out of five dentists recommend BRIGHTLIGHT toothpaste.” This statement is an example of an_____.
Speech or writing that expresses a position on an issue or problem
What should a thesis statement of a persuasive paper include?
A specific piece of information that supports a claim is called…
An author’s inclination towards a particular topic.
“How much longer must our people endure this suffering “How much longer must our people endure this suffering?” Is an example of…
What is “LOGOS”?
“To do anything else would be dangerous, risky, and reckless.” This is an example of….
A direct comparison.
“The snow was a soft blanket” is an example of…
In Antigone, Creon uses this type of metaphor to compare Thebes to a ship.
The sentry uses this simile to describe how Antigone looked when she found her brother had been uncovered.
A character who provides a contrast, often striking, to another character. It IS a sort of comparison, but NOT like a simile or metaphor.
“the Lovely Leaves Lightly Lowered to the ground” is an example of…
A purposeful, extreme exaggeration is called…
The tree’s sinewy arms were heavy with leaves.
Her eyes were like the stormy sea.
When the writer gives you clues as to what will happen later on.
An argument made to oppose another argument.
What are the three types of appeals?
A faulty argument, or an error in reasoning.
“The use of backup cameras in vehicles should be mandatory.” This is an example of a ______.
The “everyone is doing it” argument.
When you ask your reader to do something TODAY, this is called a_______.
When a character says one thing and means another.
The reader/viewer knows something about events that the character does not.
“at the end of the day, we are all in this together” is an example of a___.
This statement is an example of a ____. “Either you vote for Bert for mayor or this city will dissolve into ruin.” This statement is an example of a ____.