MEETINGS & ELECTIONS Saturday, July 22, 2017
Today’s Topics Meetings - Agendas - Procedures - Voting - Minutes Elections
Meetings Publish all general meeting dates - Follow bylaws as to how many you should have Publish an agenda for each meeting - Have copies at the meeting Use Robert’s Rules of Order
Agendas What to include: - Approval of previous meeting minutes - Financial Reports - Committee Reports - Old Business - New Business - Member Input
Sample of a Typical Meeting - President calls the meeting to order - Secretary records the time President calls for a review of the previous meeting minutes for accuracy (a copy should be provided to all in attendance) - President asks board members for a motion to approve the minutes - President then asks for a second to the motion by another board member
Sample of a Typical Meeting - After the motion has been seconded, the President asks for an approval of the minutes by all board members - The President then follows the agenda, addressing each topic or calling upon board members or committee members to provide their reports regarding the topics
Sample of a Typical Meeting - Board members should maintain order, allowing only one person to speak at a time. If the item in question requires a board vote, the President must call for a motion by a board member, a second by another board member, and a vote in favor or against the motion by all board members.
Voting All voting should occur at an open meeting and not in closed executive meetings - Other than the election to vote for new officers OR a vote to change bylaws of the organization, voting should only be completed by present elected board members - Voting for officers or to change bylaws must be open to all members in attendance
Voting Items that REQUIRE a vote: Approving an annual budget Unforeseen expenditures not previously included in the budget - Choosing a fundraising activity
Emergency Voting Unanimous Consent - The vote must be documented in writing AND documented in the minutes for review at the following meeting - The board cannot move forward with any item when a UNANIMOUS vote from the entire board has not been attained. Voting must then be conducted again at the next general meeting
Minutes Meeting minutes should be consistent and limited to specific information: - Date, time, and location of the meeting - Notation that proper prior notice was given - Who was in attendance (names of board members, approximate number of other attendees, and whether quorum was achieved should it be necessary) - Official actions taken by meeting participants (motions made/approved/defeated)
Minutes It is not necessary to document names of who make and second motions, the number of votes for or against each motion, or the detail of debates regarding each motion.
Election Preparation Announcement at general meeting prior to election meeting Notify all members of organization - Mention date and time of the election - Make statement that nominations are being taken - Mention nomination deadline - Mention how to submit nomination Individuals, not groups should be nominated!
Nomination Forms Must be completed and submitted by the individual running for office Should articulate expectations of all available board positions
Election Best Practice As a best practice, individuals running for a board position should run for a general board position, not a specific role (such as President, etc.).
Election Best Practice No email or proxy voting is allowed. It is best for administrators and coaches to abstain from voting.