Mentee: Abdifatah Osman Sheik Adan Lecturer & Executive Member, Central University, Msc. in Development studies 18-Sept. 2016 Research Topic: Education system at Doomey Internally Displaced Camp in Beletweyne: challenges & Opportunities High-quality Research Support (HQRS) Programme Mentorship Phase, 2016
Research Question, Methodology and Findings Research Questions What is the education system at Doomeey IDP School? What challenges/opportunities do they face? Methodology Research used Qualitative approach, and the main sources were: primary and secondary sources. Secondary sources: e.g. reports, online searches, books and other relevant academic articles. Primary data included semi-structured interviews from 5 KII & one FGD which were conducted from IDP school head, teachers, former aid worker & Hiran regional education authority Findings School has functioning Community Education Committee (CEC), 4 M & 3 F School has standards one to five & uses Somalia Curriculum. They have 10 teachers, all are secondary level (4 F & 6 M) It serve for 292 students (54.1% girls & 45.9% boys), good news, opposite my expectation. Challenges: Lack of qualified teachers & less payment. Poor infrastructure & sanitation. Aid agencies intervention is emergence based or short time projects (Save the children, WFP, Unicef, etc. As project ends, education facilities reduces & stops School drop out & early marriage