Effects Of Internet On The Study Habits Of Students Anam Qureshi MPhil in Education and Public Policy, Institute of Social and Cultural Studies, University of the Punjab, anamta.qureshi20@gmail.com Dr. Sameen Masood Lecturer, Institute of Social & Cultural Studies, University of the Punjab sameen.pu@gmail.com Hafiz Muhammad Afzaal MSc Development Studies, Institute of Social & Cultural Studies, University of the Punjab mianafxaal@gmail.com
Background of the Study Technology has always been playing an important role in advancing education. In 21 century students live with modern technologies as the essential part of their daily life. The use of NICTs and Internet of things is dramatically changing the study habits and practices around the world. However, the use of internet has also improved the quality of education. Whereas, in this age of globalization, knowledge is all around us and education is everywhere. The use of internet not only providing the study related material, online education or huge data on diverse topics worldwide but also lessons of life. The Internet is a very powerful, useful, informative and communicative technology of the present age. Internet improves skills and capabilities of students, which assist them in educations and professional life. Students with high CGPA use the Internet more for their studies and gain more knowledge and information across the world. They use e-journals, e-libraries, e-books, and online databases as academic resources for their related courses.
Research Problem Research Objectives The mechanism of students’ study habits and their academic performance are the critical issues of this technological age. Intensive use of internet and growing number of internet users are required to be evaluated for their expected outcomes. Effects of use of Internet for greater academic achievements and sustainable socio-economic development is the most crucial aspect. Research Objectives To examine the role of internet in students’ academic performance and grades. To investigate the purpose of using internet and change in students’ learning behavior. To investigate the development of various contemporary skills among students through the use of internet.
Research Methodology This study has utilized survey research design and was quantitative in nature. The population of the study consisted of three major universities of Lahore (PU, LCWU and GCU) and 125 respondents were selected using simple random sampling. The whole population was approached personally for data collection. A survey questionnaire was designed which had 28 close ended questions. Questionnaires were distributed & collected personally. Descriptive analysis was conducted. Hypothesis were tested using Regression Analysis. Special attention was given to the readability of the questionnaire and research ethics (confidentiality, volunteer participation).
Key Variables Searching the library web site for references. Learning through socialization via Social networking websites. Online Assignments Submission. Usefulness of World Wide Web in college/university work. Positive attitude of Students toward e-learning. Development of problem solving skills. Using the internet is a very important aspect of being a student. Value learning form teacher and classmates.
Results & Analysis USE OF INTERNET Activity Never Once a week USE OF INTERNET Activity Never Once a week Several times a week Once a day Several times a day No % Searching Library Websites for References 63 50.40 31 24.80 21 16.80 6 4.80 4 3.20 Online Assignments Submission 43 34.40 24.60 33 26.40 12 9.60 Contacting other Students Via Internet 24 19.40 22 17.60 11 8.80 5 4.00 Contacting External Experts Via Internet Contacting Class Instructors Via Internet 28 22.40 49 39.20 10 8.00 Use of Internet is Important for Students 9 7.20 50 40.00 48 38.40 Internet is Convenient and Reliable Recourse 65 52.00 Usefulness of World Wide Web in College or University Work 8 6.40 43.20 45 36.00 Usefulness of E-Mail and Social Networking Websites or Apps In Academic work 66 52.80
INTERNET USERS’ COMMUNITY Results & Analysis INTERNET USERS’ COMMUNITY Activity Never Once a week Several times a week Once a day Several times a day No % Universal Identity as Internet User 9 7.20 15 12.00 17 13.60 57 45.60 27 21.60 Emotional Attachment with Internet Users 12 9.60 34 27.20 26 20.80 39 31.20 13 10.40 Feeling of a part of Internet Community 4 3.20 21 16.80 22 17.60 60 48.00 18 14.40 Availing Opportunity & Instant Internet Use 16 12.80 20 16.00 50 40.00 35 28.00 Likeness of People who Use Internet Frequently 10 8.00 24 19.60 45 36.00
Results & Analysis STUDY HABITS Activity Highly manifested Slightly manifested Not manifested No % Student having Positive Attitude toward E-Learning 110 80.00 12 9.60 3 2.40 Attentive During Class Discussion because of Instant Internet Access 96 76.80 23 18.40 5 4.00 Motivated and interested in early Learning the Lesson via Internet 78 62.40 40 32.00 7 5.60 Active Online Participation and Consideration others’ opinions 75 60.00 31 24.80 19 15.20 Appropriate Behavior, Participation and Cooperation in Classroom 89 71.20 29 23.20 Value learning form Teacher and from Classmates. 85 68.00 33 26.40 Manifest Confidence through E-Learning 86 68.80 27 21.60 Improvement in Critical and Analytical Skills 88 70.40 30 24.00 Development of Problem Solving and Smart Solution skills 83 66.40 32 25.60 10 8.00 Deeper Understanding in the Subject Matter 93 74.40
Conclusion There is a significant effects of Internet usage on study habits of students and academic performance of the students. Internet is an effective resource to be utilized in learning and developing good study habits in University students.
Recommendations This study offers the under listed recommendations for purposes of policy formulation: For making our education system better we have to focus on study habits of students. If we develop good study habits in our students they will produce good results. Today the need of Internet is increasing day by day. So the use of Internet for the purpose of education is useful because it has significant effect on the study habits of students.
Future Agenda Future study could be conducted on the under graduate students as well as on under matric students because they also use internet. Studies can also be conducted to examine the NICTs an Internet supportive mechanism prevailing in our educational institutions (both public and private)