Maya Zlateva Meet a writer Reading and Literacy Promotion Through ICT Meet a writer Maya Zlateva writes poems and short stories. She has also written children’s books and plays. Maya Zlateva was born in Devin, in 1959. Her family moved to Dobrich when she was 6 years old. Vocational High School of Veterinary Medicine, Dobrich, Bulgaria
Meet a writer Maya Zlateva became interested in books and writing early in life. She wrote her first poems at the age of 7. She has a social psychology degree from the University of Veliko Turnavo. Her education includes courses in creative writing, painting, and black and white drawing.
Meet the writer ‘ She is … ‘ Maya Zlateva is a well-known local writer for her mystical, psychological poetry such as: ‘She is … ‘, ‘Beyond my soul’, ‘Sedition on Good Friday’, ‘Good-bye sunset, hello dawn’, ‘The long way through the tunnel’.
Meet a writer The award-winning local author Maya Zlateva visits pupils at Vocational High School of Veterinary Medicine, Dobrich to talk about her works and boost creativity in their class.
Meet a writer Mrs. Maya Zlateva is presented to pupils by Mrs. Yanka Tzapreva, a teacher of Bulgarian language at school
Mrs. Maya Zlateva presents her works Meet a writer Mrs. Maya Zlateva presents her works
Meet a writer Mrs. Maya Zlateva brings reading alive in the classroom for those who are just discovering it.
Mrs. Maya Zlateva turns some teenagers into avid readers Meet a writer Mrs. Maya Zlateva turns some teenagers into avid readers
discussion with pupils Meet a writer discussion with pupils
Thank you, Maya
Thank you, Maya
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’