Play Supports transition from nursery to P1 When children play they are... ...practising new skills and extending their learning in a fun, enjoyable way ...exploring real life situations through imaginative play ...being creative and solving problems ...developing social skills
French 1+2 Languages East Lothian Initiative Greetings and feelings Learn words and phrases linked to other areas of the curriculum (numbers etc)
Literacy This year we are focusing on pre-phonological skills. Introduce all initial sounds- with story, action and song Opportunities are given to consolidate each sound- playdough, sand, craft, matching games, I spy etc. The children learn through the active approaches used.
Reading and making words: We use our fingers to segment sounds for the children to word build. pa- n p - a - n We will also teach blending sounds. We will send home blending patterns to practise. ca da ta na ti pi ni si
Common words (SUPER POWER WORDS) will also be sent home. to the was I came These are hard as blending/ segmenting cant be used!! Instead the children must over learn these: sight games, matching, looking for the words, making rhymes or memory connections!
Reading skills Focus on pre- reading skills initially to increase confidence and strategies for unfamiliar words. Books will be given later, once the children have developed these skills. No scheme used- rather we will select texts appropriate to the learning needs. Blending, segmenting and common words will all support this. Homework may initially be shared stories, sentences, word spotting, finding features of a sentence or book. The main thing is to keep reading experiences fun!
Handwriting Introduced with each sound- air writing, on partners back, sand trays etc. We want to make lessons relevant e.g. linked to topic/focus Children work with an adult to help write their sentence using the letters they know- connect sounds to a written purpose. Some children will require support to strengthen fine motor skills before they can hold/use a pencil correctly. We will develop this in class using lots of active experiences- threading, tweezers, fiddly objects, plasticine, drawing etc.
Numeracy and Maths Active, problem solving approach Mental maths strategies and understanding of number Use of patterns Learning from each other through discussion ICT games to practise what has been learned Link what has been learned to play areas in the classroom Number formation
- In addition we also do the Pinkie Daily mile P.E - We must ensure that children have 2 hours of quality PE a week. - In PE we are focusing on safety in the gym hall and when using equipment, space bubbles to allow safe travel, basic movements and working with a partner or as part of a team. - In addition we also do the Pinkie Daily mile where the children aim to walk or run a mile around the track, recording their own progress. This aims to improve overall fitness and engage the brain for learning.
All P1 classes have PE on Mondays and Changing and days Which days does my child have PE? All P1 classes have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays. Changing On these days it would be really helpful if your child comes to school in clothes that they are able to easily change themselves out of and into.
School Blog - Each class has a blog on the school website. - We aim to update these weekly with class news, recent learning and pictures. - Please feel free to comment on our posts as we share these with the children.
Homework Mixed tasks each week- short and fun! Important to bring book bag every day. No longer than 10/15 minutes a day. Feel free to adapt if needed- don't worry about homework, we can help if instructions are not clear and are happy to suggest more activities to keep the children engaged! We will always check diaries on a Friday but if there is anything urgent a letter could be passed over in the morning to ensure we are informed.