understanding of the terms; Learning Objective: What is CAD CAM and how is it used in the industrial manufacture of Textile products? What is your understanding of the terms; CAD, CAM and CIM ? CAD = Computer Aided Design: Computers are used for developing designs, pattern making, pattern grading, marker production and lay planning. CAM = Computer Aided Manufacture: Computers are used for store design, lay planning and cutting, sewing and pressing. CIM - Computer Integrated Manufacture: A system that uses computers at every stage of planning, design and manufacture.
CAD Learning Objective: What is CAD CAM and how is it used in the industrial manufacture of Textile products? What type of equipment is used in commercial production of textile products? Programmes used: Microsoft Office - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher Drawing packages – Paint, Adobe illustrator, CorelDraw Image editing – Photoshop Specialist Fashion software, e.g. Speed Step CAD Using computers to design and present. Computers are used by designers for: - Writing documents and creating display boards - Including artwork - Text - Spreadsheets - Graphs - Tables Putting together slide show presentations Digital photography and video making Designing and sampling Supplementing drawing and colouring with use of specialist fashion software, e.g. Speed Step.
3-D Modelling Making a Pattern Sampling Learning Objective: What is CAD CAM and how is it used in the industrial manufacture of Textile products? What type of equipment is used in commercial production of textile products? Making a Pattern Sampling 3-D Modelling
ICT and computer-aided manufacture (CAM) Learning Objective: What is CAD CAM and how is it used in the industrial manufacture of Textile products? What type of equipment is used in commercial production of textile products? CAM ICT and computer-aided manufacture (CAM) ICT and CAM play a vital role in modern textiles production. For example, they enable : Designs to be sent electronically to the print manufacturer and stored on computer to ease repeat printing orders. Colours to be matched to the design, dyes weighed and dispensed and the fabric printed automatically ICT makes possible the just-in-time ordering of materials and components so they arrive at the factory as they are needed, ie just-in-time for production to start. ICT enables companies to transmit information between plants, and manufacture on a global scale.
Cutting out Lay planning Learning Objective: What is CAD CAM and how is it used in the industrial manufacture of Textile products? What type of equipment is used in commercial production of textile products? Cutting out Lay planning
Sewing Welt Pockets Button Holes Learning Objective: What is CAD CAM and how is it used in the industrial manufacture of Textile products? What type of equipment is used in commercial production of textile products? Sewing Welt Pockets Button Holes
Weaving Electronic Loom Embroidery Knitting Learning Objective: What is CAD CAM and how is it used in the industrial manufacture of Textile products? What type of equipment is used in commercial production of textile products? Electronic Loom Weaving Embroidery Knitting
Learning Objective: What is CAD CAM and how is it used in the industrial manufacture of Textile products? What type of equipment is used in commercial production of textile products? CIM Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) systems integrate or link CAD and CAM systems. These combined systems link design development, production planning and manufacturing systems together. Companies that use CIM are able to design a product in one country and manufacture it overseas where labour costs are lower.
Learning Objective: What is CAD CAM and how is it used in the industrial manufacture of Textile products? What type of equipment is used in commercial production of textile products? Production Planning Production plans and work schedules are important planning tools in batch and mass production. The production plan should set out information about all the stages of production, so that every product is made to the same quality.
Learning Objective: What is CAD CAM and how is it used in the industrial manufacture of Textile products? What type of equipment is used in commercial production of textile products? Production Planning Each production plan should include the following stages… The preparation stage details the amount of materials to buy-in, preparation of garment patterns, templates and lay plans. The processing stage details the fabric spreading, cutting, labelling and bundling of the fabric pieces. The assembly stage contains instructions for fusing, joining and pressing the separate product parts. The finishing stage gives instructions for decorative/functional finishing and final pressing. The packaging stage explains how to label, hang, fold, and cover the product ready for transport to the retailer.
What are the top 3 facts or Learning Objective: What is CAD CAM and how is it used in the industrial manufacture of Textile products? What type of equipment is used in commercial production of textile products? Activity: Use the revision guide (pg74-pg79) to help you produce revision resources focussing on… Examples of how ICT is used Commercial manufacturing The three phases Computer systems New technology Gantt charts and time plans You could produce a mind map, cue cards or any other resource you feel will be helpful. What are the top 3 facts or pieces of information you will take away from this lesson?