Adaptive Planning: Moving Beyond the Fiscal Year UAccess Symposium April 11, 2017
KEY DELIVERABLE: Robust Planning/Forecasting Tool
Project Teams Represent Cross Campus Collaboration UACCESS PLANNING TEAM Project Sponsors Kathy Whisman Barry Brummund Karen Williams Steering Committee Kathy Whisman, Chair Jean Vock, co-Chair Marilyn Taylor Joel Hauff Lisa Rulney Simran Nirh Project Teams Represent Cross Campus Collaboration Budget Office CALS COM-P COM-T Education Eller Engineering Global Initiatives Humanities Residence Life
S WHERE ARE WE NOW? SWOT ANALYSIS: Strengths Strength DATA!!! Lots and lots of data Strength Strong and Stable UAccess Systems Strength Corporate Knowledge of all UAccess Systems, including Analytics Strength Competence and Capabilities of UA Team that supports and uses UAccess
W WHERE ARE WE NOW? SWOT ANALYSIS: Weaknesses Weaknesses Weaknesses Only 2 fields in KFS to “tag” transactions: Project Code and Sub-account Weaknesses KFS is bound by the fiscal year - our activity is not Weaknesses No system for future year or project period projections
T WHERE ARE WE NOW? SWOT ANALYSIS: Threats Threats Hundreds of Supplemental/ Shadow Systems on Campus Threats Loss of time/$ manually consolidating data Threats No easy way to model potential future scenarios Threats Talented staff spend too much time on non-value-add activity, e.g., data entry
EXCEL is GREAT for… Analyzing static datasets Checking the integrity of raw data Conditional formatting: Data, Tables, and Charts Complex statistical analysis Flexible reports
EXCEL is Bad for… Collaborative Planning and Reporting Management Information Example: Unit Roll Up Reports Managing financial process workflow Nine Circles of Excel Hell (bold are the circles that impact this audience) 1) Oops: Excel is fragile 2) Crush: Huge pain to consolidate 3) Brain Drain: Waste of time and talent 4) Finger in the air: No good for real-time data 5) Import Duties: Hard to get data into Excel 6) Group Grope: Not a management information system 7) Flatland: Excel is 2-D 8) Whodunit: Impossible to tell where changes have been made 9) Global Challenge: multiple currencies difficult in Excel
WHERE ARE WE NOW? SWOT ANALYSIS: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Threats S W Strengths DATA!! Lots and lots of data Strong, Stable UAccess Systems Corporate Knowledge of Analytics and UAccess Systems Competence and capabilities of UA Team Weaknesses KFS is bound by the fiscal year KFS only has two fields to “tag” transcations: Project Code and Sub-Account No system to project future year revenue and expenses T Threats Hundreds of Supplemental/Shadow Systems Loss of time manually consolidating data No easy way to model potential future scenarios Talented staff spend to much time on non-value-add activity, e.g., data entry Consolidate data automatically Integrate with Streamline analytics and reporting
S W T O WHERE DO WE WANT TO GO? SWOT ANALYSIS: Opportunities Strengths DATA!! Lots and lots of data Strong, Stable UAccess Systems Corporate Knowledge of Analytics and UAccess Systems Competence and capabilities of UA Team Weaknesses KFS is bound by the fiscal year KFS only has two fields to “tag” transcations: Project Code and Sub-Account No system to project future year revenue and expenses O T Opportunities RCM has moved UA from an allocated budget model to an earned budget model, which allows units to project changes in budget based on changes in activity, many years into the future. Adaptive Planning offers a tool for the changing environment that can replace shadow system threats. Threats Hundreds of Supplemental/Shadow Systems Loss of time manually consolidating data No easy way to model potential future scenarios Talented staff spend to much time on non-value-add activity, e.g., data entry Consolidate data automatically Integrate with Streamline analytics and reporting
Adaptive Planning ADVANTAGES Consolidate data automatically Share information from anywhere Scenario modeling and What-if analyses are EASY Streamline analytics and reporting Defense against breakages Ability to track system changes Financial process workflow
4 Year Plan Example
Grants Example
Main Campus and Institutional Commitment Example
INTERESTED? WANT MORE INFORMATION? Introducing UAccess Planning Presentation TODAY! 9:30am Brian Berrellez, Analyst, CALS Join the Adaptive Planning UAccess Community