Standard plasma sources Coaxial plasma sources (using solid state generator) Aura-Wave High-Wave Downstream Surfaguide Surfatron Radio-Frequency CCP ICP
Coaxial plasma sources using solid state generator Aura-Wave ECR plasma source – low pressure range Hi-Wave Intermediate pressure range N2 – 200 W 10-2 mbar Air – 200 W 10-1 mbar Aura-Wave pressure range: 10-4 mbar – a few 10-2 mbar plasma density: a few 1011 cm-3 at 10 cm from source plane in multisource configuration Hi-Wave pressure range: 10-2 – a few 10-1 mbar plasma density: 1012 cm-3 at 10 cm from source plane in multisource configuration generation of radicals etching PECVD diamond deposition with Hi-Wave large scale processing surface treatment (nitruration, cleaning)… sterilization
Coaxial plasma source assembly – 1 source Aura-Wave plasma source Solid state generator Coaxial cable Hi-Wave plasma source SAIREM patent consists of performing the impedance tuning, i.e. the minimization of the reflected power, using the variable frequency (VF) feature of the solid state generator. The automatic control of forward & reflected powers via VF enables to control automatically the transmitted power to the plasma No impedance tuner required
Coaxial plasma source assembly – 4 (n) sources Control screen Control rack 4 off × 200 W 2.45 GHz module rack Aura-Wave plasma sources
Coaxial plasma sources: Example of integration Matrix or crown configuration
Example of integration for large scale plasma processing
Integration of 8 Aura-Wave plasma sources Matched plasma sources on several decades of pressure whatever the gas => no impedance tuner required Automatic impedance tuning using variable frequency (SAIREM patent WO 2012/146870) => extension of the operating condition range Each plasma source has its own microwave generator: output power adjustable from 0 to 200 W with 1 W step Matrix distribution for planar plasma processing Crown distribution for volume plasma processing Possible to control exactly and automatically the transmitted MW power to the plasma whatever the number of plasma sources
Integration of 8 coaxial plasma sources
8 Aura-Wave 160 W - Argon 8 Aura-Wave 800 W - Argon + N2 8 Hi-Wave 1600 W - O2 8 Hi-Wave 1600 W - N2
Aura-Wave performances in Ar Possible to sustain the plasma from 10-4 to 10 mbar in argon From 1 W microwave power to maintain the plasma
Aura-Wave performances in O2 Possible to sustain the plasma from 10-4 to a few mbar in oxygen From 2 W microwave power to maintain the plasma
Sliding short-circuit Downstream Magnetron head SMPS Downstream Sliding short-circuit Isolator 3-stub tuner mbar to atmospheric pressure creation of radicals gas abatement (NOx, CF4, SF6…) gasification (production of CO, H2… from organic or fossil based carbonaceous materials) PECVD sterilization surface activation (increase of surface tension to improve wettability – thus adhesion properties of surfaces prior to coating, painting, etc.) Nanopowder synthesis Chemistry assisted by plasma
Downstream Air – 6 kW atm pressure
Surfaguide mbar to atm pressure gas abatement gasification sterilization nanopowder synthesis surface activation atmospheric high temperature chemistry
S-Wave S-Wave (Surface Wave plasma source) frequency 2450 MHz ± 50 MHz N coaxial cable New S-Wave Solid state generator S-Wave (Surface Wave plasma source) frequency 2450 MHz ± 50 MHz max 200 W microwave power incorporated DBD ignition system few 10-2 mbar to atmospheric pressure Ar and Ar-based mixtures at 1 atm all gases at reduced pressure dielectric tubes of 6 or 8 mm diameter Swagelok 6 mm gas connector Evolution of Ar and O2 emission lines as a function of MW power measured in pure Ar plasma. Fiber orientation: to the torch.
S-Wave: scheme & applications surface activation elementary analysis atomic layer deposition gas abatement generation of radicals/reactive species sterilization/disinfection bacterial inactivation, reduction of bacterial adhesion treatment of chronic wounds and infected skin
Low power RF generators 13.56 – 27.12 MHz; 300 W to 2.4 kW Radio Frequency : CCP Low power RF generators 13.56 – 27.12 MHz; 300 W to 2.4 kW Ar – 100 W 10-1 mbar standard deposition bias voltage for target and substrate
Radio Frequency : ICP mbar pressure range creation of radicals PECVD etching Ar – 100 W 2.10-1 mbar