Red eyed tree frog By Shahana
What you will learn What they eat Facts More facts Pictures
What they eat Red eyed tree frogs are carnivores, feeding mostly on insects. They prefer crickets, grasshoppers and moths.
Facts Red-eyed tree frogs are nocturnal, or active at night. During the day they rest. When one of these tree frogs sits still on a green leaf, legs tucked in and eyes shut, it is practically invisible.
More facts A female red-eyed tree frog has laid a batch of eggs on a leaf. She chose the spot carefully—the leaf hangs over a pond. When the eggs are ready to hatch, which happens at the same time in one batch of eggs, the tadpoles inside start swirling around vigorously. The activity breaks each egg open, releasing the little tadpoles.
By the time they're adults, the frogs have turned a striking green, with blue-and-yellow striped sides, orange or red feet, a flash of blue on their thighs, and big red eyes.
Mum and baby
This is how small they are!
The End