EXPLANATION TEXT To tell or explain how things work or why something happens Cause and affect Often in time order To explain the processes involved in the evolution of natural and social phenomenon.
explanation encyclopaedia entry write-up of science experiment These texts are often ‘explanation text’… encyclopaedia entry “question & answer” articles and leaflets explanation parts of a non-fiction book (e.g geography, biology) write-up of science experiment science text book technical manual
Explanation language features * present tense (except historical explanations) If…then… because The reason that * causal language when so * sequential connectives This results in… * impersonal language This causes… * technical vocabulary Therefore
Impersonal language * third person * passive voice The stick was placed in… * passive voice * usually formal vocabulary This is known as… (e.g “placed” as opp “put”, “known as” as opp “called”) The motor is operated by… * formal connectives The sides are covered in… (e.g Furthermore, However, Therefore, Consequently)
Text Organizer Introduction Write what is going to be explained. Concluding Statement You may want to include interesting comments about what you have explained. Explanation Sequence Use time words and connectives to describe or explain a process. You can include diagrams or flowcharts, which you will need to comment on.
Differences: Explanation text Procedure text Describe how or event happens certain phenomenon Formed in the mode of description Describe how to make something which is close to our daily activity formed in the mode of instruction
Why Tadpoles Change Frogs are amphibians. Amphibians spend part of their lives under water. Young frogs start their life in water as tadpoles. introduction First, the female frog lays lots of eggs so some will survive from being eaten by fish and other animals. The eggs are smakk and often laid inside white foam. Next, the eggs hatch into tadpoles. Tadpoles have gills so they can breath under water and a strong tail to help them swim. As the tadpoles grow bigger, they start to change because they need to become a frog. Their tail becomes smaller and they begin growing legs. The back legs grow firs followed by the front legs. Tadpoles also start to develop lungs because they have to be ready to breathe on land when they become a frog. Explaination sequence Concluding statement Tadpoles may be found in billabongs, lakes, swamps or even in puddles after heavy rain. Scientific words Action verbs Sequencing words and cause and effect