Road to War: The outbreak of World War II
4 Long Term Causes of WWII 1. Treaty of Versailles Germany blamed Weimar Republic for the harsh conditions (rise of Hitler) Italy feels betrayed (rise of Mussolini) Conditions broken by Germany 2. League of Nations failure to keep peace Stop German rearmament
3. Stock Market Crash of 1929 4. Locarno Treaty US recalls internat’l loans, stops internat’l investments Most other countries depended on US, creates worldwide depression Democracy fails in countries where it is new 4. Locarno Treaty Belgium, Italy, Great Britain, Germany and France vow never to go to war with one another People wanted peace at any cost
Because of the harsh conditions in the T. of V Because of the harsh conditions in the T. of V. the Germans became angry and through Hitler’s help began to break conditions in the Treaty Rearmament Demilitarizing the Rhineland Treaty of Versailles
League of Nations
Stock Market Crash of 1929/ Worldwide Depression
Treaty of Locarno
Hitler’s Background Father was very strict, but dies when Hitler is younger, Hitler becomes the head of the household and dislikes being told what to do. During his childhood he read a lot war books about Germany and German Mythology. Wants to become an artist, goes to Vienna, rejected by the art school…twice! In Vienna he learns about anti-Semitism. Joins the German military and fights during WWI.
Rise of Hitler 1921: Hitler becomes leader of the German National Socialist Party (Nazis) 1923: The Beer Hall Putsch (coup) 1925: Hitler’s book, Mein Kampf (My Struggle) is published 1926: Germany is admitted to the League of Nations 1929: Stock Market in America crashes Worldwide Depression
1930: Nazi Party is elected the second largest 1930: Nazi Party is elected the second largest political party in Germany 1931/32: Political Disorder in Germany (Depression) 1933: January - Nazi Party becomes largest in the Reichstag - President Paul von Hindenburg persuaded to vote Hitler as Reich Chancellor February - Burning of the Reichstag/ Emergency Powers taken March - Enabling Act: (legislative powers) Jewish store boycott, 1st concentration camps open, Nazis declared only party in Germany
Policy of Appeasement We’ll give you what you want as long as you don’t hurt us or start another war
QUIZ #1 1. What are the four long term causes of WWII? 2. Why was the Treaty of Versailles a cause for war? 3. What is the “Spirit of Locarno”? 4. Why didn’t the United States want to be a part of the League of Nations? 5. When did Hitler become the leader of the Nazi Party? 6. What country was hit the worst because of the Stock Market Crash of 1929? 7. What is the name of the book Hitler wrote while in prison? 8. What was the President of Germany’s name? 9. What political position had Hitler achieved by 1933?
Policy of Appeasement We’ll give you what you want as long as you don’t hurt us or start another war
1931: September - Japan invades Manchuria 1933: Germany quits the League of Nations 1935: Conscription reintroduced - Built up armed forces, navy and air force 1936: March - reoccupied the demilitarized zone of Rhineland May - watch Italy take Ethiopia July - Spanish Civil War (Hitler gives aid to Francesco Franco to test out Germany’s new forces and their methods – bombing undefended towns) October - Rome/Berlin Axis (alliance between Italy and Germany)
1937 Lebensraum (“living space”) 1938 March – Anschluss (“union”) with Austria September - Munich Agreement (“Peace for our time”) October – Germans occupy the Sudetenland/ Czech govt. resigns 1939 March - Germany has 95 warships, 8250 airplanes, army of 1 million - Nazis take all of Czechoslovakia – Nazis invade Poland…WWII begins