Living Things and Their Habitats


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Presentation transcript:

Living Things and Their Habitats ENGLISH Spelling, grammar and guided reading sessions daily. Handwriting practise. Tenses Comprehension skills Diary skills Non-chronological reports Stories MATHS Place Value Arrays Repeated addition Multiplication Division Fractions Graph work Problem solving SCIENCE Differences between living, dead and things that have never been alive. Plant and animal habitats and microhabitats. Food chains and animal needs. Lifecycles: frogs, butterflies, chickens and tadpoles. Importance for humans to have a balanced diet and exercise. ART Collage based on Rousseau’s Surprise! Matisse scissors pictures Sketching and painting animals in our sketchbooks - David Shepherd DT Shoe box habitats for creatures. To include moving parts with lever and slider. MUSIC Listen and respond to music from the Jungle Book. Create our own animal compositions PE Weekly sessions with PE specialist. Throwing and catching skills. Rugby skills. Gymnastics. Movement linked to Jungle book music. Living Things and Their Habitats Mr Youngs and Mrs Roddis Year 2 Terms 3 & 4 2016 HISTORY Environmental changes and their impact on animals and environments. Life and work of Charles Darwin. GEOGRAPHY UK and world maps. Continents and oceans. Map work linked to computing. Consider different hot and cold areas of the world and habitats. COMPUTING Create basic map of different environments in school. Program beebot to travel different routes and debug simple programs. Develop vocabulary. Research skills linked to topic work. Internet safety. RE Why are some people leaders? What makes a good leader? Christian Bible stories Judaism - Why was Moses a good leader? What happened to Moses when he saw a burning bush? 10 Commandments. School Values – Perseverance. Lent and Easter.