Life Cycle of the Frog by Student Name
What is a cycle? A cycle has stages. Each stage happens in order. When the cycle gets to the last stage, it starts again. Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Stage 1: Egg The female frog lays eggs in the water. She lays thousands of eggs.
Stage 2: Tadpole In this stage the tadpole hatches from the egg. Tadpoles look like small fish. They can swim. Tadpoles breathe using gills. Tadpoles have a tail. Tadpoles are sometimes called polliwogs.
Stage 3: Tadpole with Legs In this stage the tadpole grows legs. The body of the tadpole gets longer. The head starts to get bigger. The tadpole still breathes using gills.
Stage 4: Froglet In this stage the froglet starts to look more like a frog. The froglet breathes with lungs. It can no longer breathe in the water. It still has some of its tail.
Stage 5: Frog In this stage, the frog is now an adult. It breathes with lungs.