Franchise Calendar March 2017
A video or image preview CALENDAR LEGEND DATE This is a suggested date but not mandatory, unless noted. PLACEMENT This indicates how to post the content and if it should be promoted as an ad on the networks. Suggested ad spend is also included when relevant. AUDIENCE These are suggested audiences relevant to your business. Use social networks’ targeting abilities to target these segments. POST COPY Social Network Name Listed Here This lists the suggested caption copy for the post’s video or photo. Social Network Name Listed Here Notes regarding where to find creative and how to post something will appear here. CREATIVE A video or image preview will be depicted here. NOTES
DOWNLOADING IMAGES To download the media assets in this calendar: 1. Log in at 2. Go to Brand Center (under Brand Studio) 3. Select the Asset Library 4. Search keyword: Franchise_Mar2017 All images for this month’s calendar will be available to download.
MARCH 2017 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 #C21Social Facebook Ads 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Suggested One21 Post Here Suggested Women’s Day Post Selling Tip GIF 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adulting 101 Launch Home Buyer Checklist Suggested St. Patrick’s Day Post 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 March Madness Shout Out Commercial Highlight 26 27 28 29 30 31 Last Minute Open House Cleaning Tips Home Improvement Video
#C21SOCIAL: FACEBOOK ADS DATE Thursday, March 2nd POST COPY & LINK Promote on Facebook ($25-$50); post organically to Twitter. There is plenty of possibility when it comes to Facebook Advertising. Learn the basics. PLACEMENT AUDIENCE Your Agents There is plenty of possibility when it comes to Facebook Advertising. Learn the basics. Post this as a link. The title, description, and image will auto populate in your post. NOTES CREATIVE
SUGGESTED ONE21 POST DATE SUGGESTION PLACEMENT AUDIENCE CREATIVE Tuesday, March 7th SUGGESTION Promote on Facebook ($25-$50); post organically to Twitter. Utilize the One21 experience to post about your franchise’s presence at the global event. Whether it’s just one agent doing something amazing, a quote you heard, or a picture of the entire office, share the learnings and the laughs with your community. PLACEMENT AUDIENCE Your Agents, Consumers CREATIVE ORIGINAL FRANCHISE CREATIVE
SUGGESTED WOMEN’S DAY POST DATE Wednesday, March 8th SUGGESTION Promote on Facebook ($25-$50); post organically to Twitter or Instagram. March 8th marks International Women’s Day, a celebration of the achievements of women. Use this day to potentially highlight, on any of these networks, female leaders in your office. PLACEMENT AUDIENCE Your Agents, Consumers CREATIVE ORIGINAL FRANCHISE CREATIVE
SELLING TIP GIF DATE POST COPY PLACEMENT AUDIENCE NOTES CREATIVE Friday, March 10th POST COPY Promote on Facebook ($25-$50); post organically to Twitter. Home Selling Tip: Paint vibrant walls a neutral shade when beginning the selling process. PLACEMENT AUDIENCE Your Agents, Consumers Home Selling Tip: Paint vibrant walls a neutral shade when beginning the selling process. Find this GIF image on Don’t worry if at first this image doesn’t have motion. Once posted, the GIF will start moving. NOTES CREATIVE
ADULTING 101 LAUNCH DATE POST COPY & LINK PLACEMENT AUDIENCE NOTES Tuesday, March 14th POST COPY & LINK Promote on Facebook and Twitter ($25-$50 each). Post Organically to LinkedIn. Interested in an online resource to help you conquer life’s obstacles? CENTURY 21 is proud to present Adulting 101. [LINK] PLACEMENT Interested in an online resource to help you conquer life’s obstacles? CENTURY 21 is proud to present Adulting 101. [LINK] AUDIENCE Consumers Post this as a link. The title, description, and image will auto populate in your post. NOTES CREATIVE
HOME BUYER CHECKLIST DATE POST COPY & LINKS PLACEMENT AUDIENCE NOTES Thursday, March 16th POST COPY & LINKS Promote on Facebook ($25-$50); post organically to Twitter. Here’s a convenient checklist to help you and your real estate agent assess homes during your search. PLACEMENT AUDIENCE Your Agents, Consumers Here’s a convenient checklist to help you and your real estate agent assess homes during your search. Post this as a link. The title, description, and image will auto populate in your post. NOTES CREATIVE
SUGGESTED ST. PATRICK’S DAY POST DATE Friday, March 17th SUGGESTION Promote on Facebook ($25-$50); post organically to Twitter or Instagram. If St. Patrick’s Day is a priority in your community, use this day to highlight any involvement your office has in local celebrations. (Just remember to post something appropriate for all ages.) PLACEMENT AUDIENCE Your Agents, Consumers CREATIVE ORIGINAL FRANCHISE CREATIVE
MARCH MADNESS SHOUT OUT DATE Monday, March 20th POST COPY Promote on Facebook ($25-$50); post organically to Twitter. Who is feeling the madness? Comment with your favorite moment of March so far. PLACEMENT AUDIENCE Your Agents, Consumers Who is feeling the madness? Reply with your favorite moment of March so far. NOTES Find this image on CREATIVE
COMMERCIAL HIGHLIGHT DATE POST COPY PLACEMENT AUDIENCE NOTES CREATIVE Monday, March 23rd POST COPY Promote on Facebook ($25-$50); post organically to Twitter. When it comes to making dreams come true, humans win over robots every time. That’s the power of a Century 21 Real Estate agent. PLACEMENT AUDIENCE Your Agents, Consumers When it comes to making dreams come true, humans win over robots every time. That’s the power of a Century 21 Real Estate agent. NOTES Find this video on CREATIVE
LAST MINUTE OPEN HOUSE CLEANING TIPS DATE Thursday, March 28th POST COPY & LINKS Promote on Facebook ($25-$50); post organically to Twitter. You may wow potential home buyers with just a couple minutes of cleaning. PLACEMENT AUDIENCE Your Agents, Consumers You may wow potential home buyers with just a couple minutes of cleaning. Post this as a link. The title, description, and image will auto populate in your post. NOTES CREATIVE
HOME IMPROVEMENT VIDEO DATE Thursday, March 31st POST COPY Promote on Facebook ($25-$50); post organically to Twitter. Did you know? All home improvement projects don’t necessarily increase the value of your home. PLACEMENT AUDIENCE Your Agents, Consumers Did you know? All home improvement projects don’t necessarily increase the value of your home. NOTES Find this video on CREATIVE
ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS Consider posting about the following achievements sometime this month Consider posting in celebration or recognition of these timely events Any One21 awards or recognitions 08: International Women’s Day Additional One21 happenings 12: Daylight Savings Time Begins Press pickups and news stories that positively highlight your brand 14: NCAA March Madness Begins 17: St. Patrick’s Day Positive changes in the real estate market in your town or state 20: First Day of Spring All Month: Women’s History Month, American Red Cross Month Number of agents brought on board this month