Sport on work places All the people need more contact with nature
Many absences from work because of muscle-scheletal pathologies High cardiovascular risk for the adults
Italian soldiers
Calculus of cardio-vascular risk ( high, weight, arterial pressure, glycemia, cholesterol, smoking, physical exercise. The calculus of the present and expected risk (age 65) decreases only introducing the physical excercise.
Employers and administrators of Tuoro sul Trasimeno 25 subjects examined received a questionnaire after 1 year of training and a new fitness test 24 subjects were sedentary before the promotion of the physical activity in working place 50% of these had been sedentary during the last 10 years 70% after 2 months had an improvement of their wellness feeling 100% did not feel more tired than before 80% decreased weight after 1 year. Only 1 very slim and hypotonic woman increased weight (increasing of muscles) 100% after 1 year improved their fitness feeling 100% after 1 year found improvement in their mood 100% decided to change their life style 1 Diabetic woman obtained a good control of glycemia
After 1 year of personal training program: improvement of objective and subjective fitness data, including the mood and the integration of immigrants involved in the students’ projects . The majority changed their lifestyle
Discussion It is indisputable the role of Sport for All for the health (prevention and therapy)