ABOUT LIBRARIAN SOFTWARE Macwill is the Mohali bases IT company. They have designed and developed the Librarian Software with the name of BIBLIOSOFT. This software is suitable for all kind of libraries like school libraries, college libraries, public libraries and many more. Secure and Reliable Easy to Access Effective Training 100% 100% 100% Bibliosoft is fully secure and trustable software for libraries. This software contain double security check to make ensure that the authorised person is optimizing the software. Its quick access features can save your time. As in Bibliosoft we have given many important and frequent shortcuts on the main screen so that access may be easy for the users. We have professional trainers who provide an effective training at client’s premises as well as online.
FEATURES OF LIBRARIAN SOFTWARE BIBLIOSOFT is fully loaded with features that makes your library work easier and simpler. Administrator BIBLIOSOFT Library Management System Serial control Book circulation Fine & Dues Photo capture facility Reporting
ADMINISTRATOR Administrator menu contain various masters which are used in other transactions and reports. Add a book. Publisher/source binder. Add student. Add teacher/staff. Print barcode. Make payments. Define binding cost. Transfer students. Manage users.
SERIAL CONTROL This menu contain transactions related to 'Serial Control’. Serials acquisition, serials monitoring and serials queries based on search parameters like serial name, publisher etc. is available. Complete binding management with prompting for serials ready for binding facility available. Automatic reminder generation on start-up of software. Add new title. Subscription order. Periodicals attendance. Set preparation. Binding orders. Receiving/accessening.
BOOK CIRCULATION With this feature librarian can track the record of the book that which book issue to which student and when. Issue books. Books return. Re issue of books. Books binding order. Biding receiving. Stock taking entry. Write off books. Reserve books.
FINE & DUES Under this feature you can easily calculate the fine & dues of books misplace, book late submit and so on. Fine collection entry. Student fine list. Teachers fine list. Non-teaching staff fine. Fine collection detail. Fine setup.
PHOTO CAPTURE FACILITY You can capture photo of students/members through web cam. There is no need to scan photo separately. Book's title page and end page can be added after scanning for the quick identification of the book at any step.
REPORTING Reporting is the major part of the library module which is required at the time of inspection. OPAC. Books special search. Student ledger. Accession register. Special search. Circulation records. Member history. Catalogue/stock printing. Most and least circulated books. Print book list. Work report. Book never circulated. Count by titles. Book count on status. Count by subject. Count by classifications. Count by author/publisher. Count by source. Periodicals received/non received/pending/dues. Stock taking report.
Contact Phone Numbers: CONTACT US We are always happy to help you. Contact Phone Numbers: EMAIL ADDRESS: ADDRESS: Sales Query: Sales Email: SCF 29, 2nd Floor, Ph-XI, Sector 65 Mohali Punjab India 160065 +91-172 – 4652452 +91 - 81466 – 52452 Support: Support Email: +91-81468 - 00145 +91-81468 - 00147 JOIN US Facebook Twitter Linkedin YouTube