BrO vertical profiles from SCIAMACHY limb measurements: Validation of scientific product using balloon-borne and ground-based measurements Retrievals by : S. Kühl7 , A. Rozanov1, C. Sioris3, J. Pukite7, H. Bovensmann1, J. P. Burrows1, C. McLinden5, B.-M. Sinnhuber1, T. Wagner2,7 Validation data from : M. Dorf2, F. Goutail8, F. Hendrick4, F. Stroh9, K. Pfeilsticker2, M. van Roozendael4 1Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, Germany 2 Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany 3Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, USA 4Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (IASB-BIRA), Brussels, Belgium 5Meteorological Service of Canada, Toronto, Canada 6Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, USA 7Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany 8Service d’Aeronomie - CNRS, France 9Juelich Research Center, Germany
Comparison with DOAS-Balloon (M.Dorf) IUP, University of Bremen: Alexei Rozanov Satellite Group Mainz-Heidelberg (MPI, IUP): Sven Kühl, Janis Pukite Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (SAO): Chris Sioris Comparison with DOAS-Balloon (M.Dorf) Comparison with TRIPLE (F. Stroh) Ground based (F. Hendrick) Tropical profiles: ground based and SAOZ (F. Goutail)
Ground based: same day sunrise at Harestua, Norway (60.2oN, 10.8oE) Northern latitudes, Spring Balloon flight: March 23rd, 2003; Kiruna (67.9oN, 21.1oE); 15:19 - 16:09 Ground based: same day sunrise at Harestua, Norway (60.2oN, 10.8oE) Backward match: March 23rd, 2003; 11:07 UT; Orbit 5545; State 7; 75oN,16oE Forward match: March 24th, 2003; 9:01 UT; Orbit 5558; State 10; 56oN, 26oE
October 9th, 2003; Air sur l’Adour (43.7oN, 0.3oW) Midlatitudes, Autumn Backward match: October 9th, 2003; 9:51 UT; Orbit 8407; State 9; 41oN,8oE Forward match: October 10th, 2003; 9:20 UT; Orbit 8421; State 9; 41oN, 16oE
Tropics, Summer
Statistics for all Balloon-DOAS comparisons (IUP Bremen) 3 DOAS flights, 6 matches Very good agreement with balloon-born DOAS in the entire altitude range, relative deviations between -10% at lower altitudes and 20% at higher altitudes
Ground based: average of 7 profiles measured on August 29th, September 2nd, 9th, 27th, 28th, November 21st, and December 11th, 2004 over Reunion Island (21oS, 55oE) SAOZ: average of 3 flights on November 29th, 1997, January 31st, 2004, and February 5th, 2004 over Bauru (22.4oS, 49.0oW) SCIAMACHY IUP: zonally averaged profiles between 19oS and 23oS measured on September 2nd, 9th, 27th, 28th, November 21st, and December 11th, 2004 SCIAMACHY SAO: zonally averaged profiles between 19oS and 23oS measured on December 11th, 2004
Comparison to Balloon in situ
Summary SCIAMACHY retrievals of different groups are mostly in agreement within error bars. Below 20 km SAO retrieval tend to produce higher values with quite large uncertainties as compared to Bremen and Mainz-Heidelberg results Very good agreement with balloon-born DOAS in the entire altitude range, relative deviations between -10% at lower altitudes and 20% at higher altitudes Variable degree of agreement with TRIPLE Very good agreement for the forward match on June 9th, 2003 Disagreement for the flight on March 6th, 2003, further investigations necessary