Webinar 3 Annual Screening.


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Presentation transcript:

Webinar 3 Annual Screening

This Session: Affiliation Affiliate Standards START HERE 1.Quality Sport Experience  2. Athlete Program Descriptions 3. Athlete Safety 4. Affiliation 5. Coach Training and Certification 6. Annual Screening 7. Policies and Procedures 8. Insurance 9. Financial System START HERE Meeting basic Insurance requirements A first look at the areas of quality sport Self-declared by the club online (http://clubexcellence.com/become-affiliate) The Affiliate standards are about meeting basic standards that often help clubs align with insurance requirements, reviewing and implementing basic risk management strategies, and declaring your clubs commitment to principles of good governance as you are taking steps in the right direction. Club Excellence Facilitator Tools - Navigating the Resources

REVIEW: Affiliate Standard #5 Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada REVIEW: Affiliate Standard #5 Coach Training and Certification The club meets the minimum requirements of its sport governing body for qualifications of its coaches/instructors Review of the language of standard #5

SSA Coach Training and Certification Requirements NCCP Workshop FIND COURSE NEAR YOU AT: http://www.saskcoach.ca/NCCPcourses.php U4-U6 Active Start Workshop U6-U8 FUNdamentals Workshop U10-U12 Learn to Train Workshop U14 & up Soccer for Life Workshop Making Ethical Decisions Module Offered as a module of your NCCP Workshop http://www.saskcoach.ca/MED.php Respect In Sport Free Online http://www.sasksport.sk.ca/RiS/ : There are 3 requirements that coaches must complete in order to be qualified to coach soccer under the Saskatchewan Soccer Association. Coaches must complete an NCCP workshop Coaches must complete the NCCP’s Making Ethical Descisions module – which is often a part of the NCCP workshop Coaches must also complete the respect in sport course – this is free and online. Homework Completed: pg. 14-15 in the affiliate workbook

Affiliate Standard #6 Annual Screening Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada Affiliate Standard #6 Annual Screening The club conducts screening of all individuals in a position of trust or authority consistent with its sport governing body’s guidelines for police and vulnerable record checks or stated club policy This session, we are going to talk about Club Excellence Affiliate Standard #6

Affiliate Standard #6 Annual Screening Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada Affiliate Standard #6 Annual Screening The club conducts screening of all individuals in a position of trust or authority consistent with its sport governing body’s guidelines for police and vulnerable record checks or stated club policy Why should we do police record checks? What are the types of background checks we can do? How can we get police record checks and vulnerable sector checks?

Why? Risk Management Strategy Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada Why? Risk Management Strategy Reduces risk of harm to vulnerable participants in MO activities Will help minimize liability for volunteer Directors and Officers at all levels of the MO Part of sound financial management and good human resources Why completing background checks are important…

Criminal Record Check Types of checks: National Criminal Records Local Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada Types of checks: Criminal Record Check There are three types of checks that you can do. The most common are National Criminal records and records of the local police department, they mostly check the same records with a few exceptions. Your local police check is the most complete. National Criminal Records Local

Vulnerable Sector Check Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada Types of checks: Vulnerable Sector Check No pardons since ’86 (31 years or older) The vulnerable sector check is the only one that will verify against the pardoned sex offender database. This is a list of those only those who have previously received pardons, as pardons would not show up in a local or national police record check. Something that is important to note, no pardons have been issued since 1986- therefore anyone under the age of 31 should NOT have to complete a vulnerable sector check. The Vulnerable Sector search cannot be run for applicants under the age of 18 years old.

Affiliate Standard #6 Annual Screening Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada Affiliate Standard #6 Annual Screening The club conducts screening of all individuals in a position of trust or authority consistent with its sport governing body’s guidelines for police and vulnerable record checks or stated club policy In order to satisfy this standard, your member organizations policy must be consistent with the SSA’s policy.

Saskatchewan Soccer Policy Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada Saskatchewan Soccer Policy 3.1.6 A thorough screening protocol involves multiple steps including a Police Records Check. In all cases in SSA policy a “Police Records Check” includes: Criminal Records Check National Repository of Criminal Records Police Record Check Search of records in a local police agency Vulnerable Sector Check Database of Pardoned Sex Offenders For 18yrs or older Every 3 yrs The SSA’s Policy says: 3.1.6 A thorough screening protocol involves multiple steps including a Police Records Check. In all cases in SSA policy a “Police Records Check” includes: A Criminal Records Check A Vulnerable Sector Verification (a fingerprint based screening service provided by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police) A search of the records held in the information database of a local police agency (hereinafter referred to collectively as a PRC) All SSA Member Organizations are strongly recommended to implement all steps from “Best Practice Guide for Screening Volunteers” established by Volunteer Canada to ensure their screening protocols are of the highest standards. SSA Screening Policies meet the standards established by the CSA. 3.1.7 SSA Member Organization are required to adopt and implement screening policies and practices within their organizations that meet the standards set by the SSA and CSA Read the full policy: http://sasksoccer.com/files/section_13_ppm_risk_management_0217.pdf

Who to check in your club? Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada Who to check in your club? All SSA Staff & Volunteers…. Those in a supervisory role representing the SSA at in province or out of province events Includes: Coaches, team personnel, instructors, gender representative personnel and chaperones or others Youth and Mini teams? All SSA and SSA Member Organization Coaches and Team Personnel Is the Coach 17 & U? One Asst. Coach/Manager for any team where a youth is registered as the Coach Any others At the discretion of the SSA Executive Director or Director of Soccer Operations, President of the Member Organization or their designate. Volunteers and staff new to Canada PRC from their previous country of residence (translated) & CV/Resume that meets Canadian standards Who should be required to undergo background screening in your organization according to the SSA, and are there additional checks to consider? Read the full policy: http://sasksoccer.com/files/section_13_ppm_risk_management_0217.pdf

To Satisfy This Standard Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada To Satisfy This Standard The MO’s policies and practices must be in compliance with the guidelines set by their sport governing body 3.1.6 A thorough screening protocol involves multiple steps including a Police Records Check. In all cases in SSA policy a “Police Records Check” includes: A Criminal Records Check A Vulnerable Sector Verification (a fingerprint based screening service provided by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police) A search of the records held in the information database of a local police agency (hereinafter referred to collectively as a PRC) All SSA Member Organizations are strongly recommended to implement all steps from “Best Practice Guide for Screening Volunteers” established by Volunteer Canada to ensure their screening protocols are of the highest standards. SSA Screening Policies meet the standards established by the CSA. Read the full policy: http://sasksoccer.com/files/section_13_ppm_risk_management_0217.pdf

 Steps to Complete Standard #6 Does your MO have a screening policy? Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada Steps to Complete Standard #6 Does your MO have a screening policy? No Add screening policy discussions to agenda of the next BOD Meeting Yes Does it align with SSA’s Policy? No Yes Are you tracking screening? Tracking Log Sheet No Steps to meet Standard #6  Yes

Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada Tracking Log Sheet

How? Local police station RCMP SterlingBackcheck Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada How? Local police station RCMP SterlingBackcheck

Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada Local police station To apply in person for a criminal records check at a local police station, applicants must live in that town or city $ Cost You will need: CRC, PRC & VRC: $70 1. Completed application form 2. Two pieces of government issued ID Return Time Processing time will vary by applicant 3. Payment for fees

STEP 1 Fingerprints Step 2 Application Step 3 Submit RCMP Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Checks with fingerprint submissions STEP 1 Fingerprints You can go to your local police service or an accredited company near you List of accredited fingerprinting companies in Canada Step 2 Application Fill out the required form Step 3 Submit Submit your application through your local service, or online. See your local police station website for options available to you Cost $25 per Check Return Time Average return time is 3 business days or less if done electronically 4 weeks for a Vulnerable Sector Check with a paper application 22 weeks for a Criminal Record Check with a paper application To obtain a certified Criminal Record Check, you must submit a full set of all 10 fingerprints You can go to your local police service or one of these accredited companies Fill in your application if submitting it by paper, or provide the information to the person taking your fingerprints

SterlingBackcheck Cost Online Process Return Time Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada SterlingBackcheck Online resource for background checks including E-PIC and Criminal Record Checks Cost Online Process E-PIC (CRC & Enhanced PRC) $35 http://www.sterlingtalentsolutions.ca/landing-pages/c/club-excellence/ Return Time One business day

Enhanced Police Information Check (E-PIC) Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada Enhanced Police Information Check (E-PIC) The Vulnerable Sector search cannot be run for applicants under the age of 18 years old.

Affiliate Standard #6 Annual Screening Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada Affiliate Standard #6 Annual Screening The club conducts screening of all individuals in a position of trust or authority consistent with its sport governing body’s guidelines for police and vulnerable record checks or stated club policy

Club Excellence Resources Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada Club Excellence Resources Templates Tracking Log Sheet Competitive Coach Requirements/Screening Policy Track and Field Association Risk Management and Coach Screening Policy Swim Ontario Screening policy SwimNB Screening policy Examples What is an Enhanced Police Record Check (E-PIC)? Requesting an E-PIC vs. Vulnerable sector check E-PIC results: What do they mean? RCMP-Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Checks Electronic Criminal Record Check Risk Proofed volunteers Additional Reading

Sask. Soccer Resources Templates Examples Additional Reading Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada Sask. Soccer Resources Templates Police Record Check Letter - Template Examples Saskatchewan Soccer Association – Section 13 – Risk Management Policy: Section 3 – Screening Policies Additional Reading

Affiliate Workbook HOmework Building a network of healthy, strong and sustainable sport clubs and sport organizations, across Canada Next Steps Date Sask Soccer Affiliate Workbook HOmework May 17th or 18th, 2017 2nd workgroup session Coach Training and Certification Annual Screening pg. 14-15 pg. 16-17 June 21th-or 22rd, 2017 3rd workgroup session Athlete Safety Policies and Procedures pg. 11-12 pg. 18-22