Ubuntu Linux Yonathan M. Vivas
What is Linux? Linux is an Operating System just like Windows and Mac Linux was originally developed by Linus Torvalds There are many variants of Linux Ubuntu is one of the most user friendly versions of Linux
How can you get it? You have several options Get the ISO http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu You have several options Try it without making any changes Install it as a Windows program This has lower disk efficiency Install it all the way! Dual or multi-boot
How to prepare your PC for it? Partition your disk Defragment it first You can use Windows’ free partition tool Control Panel\Administrative Tools\Computer Management\Disk Management Right click your main HD and “shrink volume” Get EasyBCD http://neosmart.net/EasyBCD/ Back up your BCD
How to install it? For a quick install: Follow the tutorial on Ubuntu’s site http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/install-desktop-latest For advanced install: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Installing-Ubuntu-12-04-LTS-266201.shtml Follow the “something else” instructions In both cases: Make sure you install Ubuntu’s Boot loader (GRUB) in the same partition where you install Ubuntu (this will make it a lot easier to uninstall if you need to) Go Back to EasyBCD in Windows and Add and Entry for Ubuntu http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Ubuntu
Some Great Things About It Free and includes great free software Gparted, Gimp… Fast and easy to use http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/features Secure and compatible with many Windows programs http://www.winehq.org/
Different Desktop Environments Unity Mac-looking Cool search features Gnome Live Tiles No Sidebar! LXDE Super Lightweight And many more… http://askubuntu.com/questions/65083/what-different-desktop-environments-and-shells-are-available
Virtualizing No time for dual-booting? Virtualbox Virtualize! Look for it on the Ubuntu Software Center or get it from their site https://www.virtualbox.org/