Northeast Resource Recovery Association Household Hazardous Waste Feasibility Study Mike A Recycling Non-Profit. Working Together to Make Recycling Strong! Jackie Albanese, HHW Project Manager Mike Durfor, Executive Director September 2012
About Us In 1981, four New Hampshire municipalities founded the Northeast Resource Recovery Association, then called the New Hampshire Resource Recovery Association, to provide a clearinghouse for current, up-to-date information and a source of technical and marketing assistance in the general areas of waste reduction and recycling. Mike Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
NRRA HHW Feasibility Study USDA Grant Started in 2011 Three phase study – in final phase Study Goals Produce a plan to Increase HHW collection in NH Reduce costs Increase collection participation Mike Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
HHW Challenges in NH 9th least populous state in the U.S. Only 1,318,194 residents 7.5% of the population of Los Angeles in an area 2.2 times larger 147 residents per sq mi in NH vs. 2,419 residents per sq mi in Los Angeles Mike – mention NH as one of New England States; Facts of NH vs. LA, how these facts can lead to some challenges
HHW Challenges in NH Small municipalities and rural areas Majority having fewer than 10,000 residents Only 3 municipalities having greater than 40,000 residents Rural areas = longer drives to collection sites Mike – NH Small area challenges with long drives, can’t take advantage of lots of material = lower cost per unit Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
HHW Challenges in NH Independent structure of NH legislature “Live Free or Die” NH has the largest state legislative body in the United States NH House of Reps. is the third-largest English speaking parliamentary body in the world NH municipalities make many of their major decisions at their annual town meetings This form of direct democratic rule can slow major decisions and requires a great amount of public education and a solidified plan beforehand Mike - These small areas frequently wanted to work independently or only work with certain other towns - small town politics. Takes a long time for decision making. Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
Funding HHW programs in NH Usually a town warrant or part of a transfer station’s budget NH Department of Environmental Services (DES) grant available funded through HW Clean Up Fund distributed based on per capita rate $0.22/capita for programs with a permanent, on-going facility $0.12/capita for programs serving more than one collection/year serving more than one community $0.06/capita for programs that serve one community on one day annually Mike Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
NH HW Generator Status In NH, HHW collected counts towards a facility’s generator status amounts Small quantity generator In each calendar month generators less than 220 lbs Full quantity generator In each calendar month generates equal to or greater than 220 lbs; accumulates greater than 2,200 lbs at any time Jackie – this piece is important to note due to the different regulatory requirements of sqg vs. fqg – transfer stations who collect hhw will likely surpass the sqg amounts - Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
NH Regulations One Day Events (contractor operated) Contractor hired usually takes on the status of HW FQG and are responsible for following required HW Generator regulations. Jackie Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
NH Regulations Permanent Sites (in-house or contractor operated) HW FQG and need a generator ID # Trained staff member as HW Coordinator (with yearly refresher) Follow all HW regulations - proper storage, internal paperwork, assessing what items are accepted, training, contingency and operating plan, etc. Jackie – split to 3 slides – put in pics
NH Regulations Satellite/Mobile Collections (operated in-house) Town would need to ask for a temporary EPA ID number Self-transport by government entities is allowable to a permanent site or TSDF. They are exempt from packing and labeling for transport, manifest requirements and delivery requirements. Can transport with just a Bill of Lading, proper vehicle (has to be owned by municipality), and driver with 24 HazWoper training. Jackie – split to 3 slides – put in pics Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
The Study Collected Cost and Attendance information for 97% of NH towns, representing 99% of the population Collected Cost, Attendance and HHW collection amounts for 95% of NH towns, representing 94% of the population Data is from 2009 – 2011 collections, primarily 2011 collections Jackie Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
HHW Collection in NH Type % of Towns % of Pop. One Day 7.0% 21.3% One Day Group 66.8% 49.2% Permanent 17.0% 25.6% Nothing 6.2% 2.9% Unknown 3.1% 1.0% Jackie
NH Statistics Cost and Participation Type Total Costs Attend. per year Cost per Capita Cost per household - total Cost per household -attended Rate of Partic. Solo One Day $194,816 2,932 $0.69 $1.72 $53.71 2.85% Group One Day $375,356 7,044 $0.58 $1.44 $47.86 2.87% Permanent Sites $290,982 2,699 $0.86 $2.14 $107.81 1.99% Jackie Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
Some NH Statistics HHW Collection Amounts Type HHW Collection Amounts/yr (lbs) Cost per lbs HHW per household – total (lbs) HHW per household – attended (lbs) Solo One Day 180,048.14 $0.86 1.80 64.12 Group One Day 417,186.99 $0.78 1.77 60.41 Permanent Sites 150,753.00 $1.93 1.11 55.86 Jackie Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
Measuring Success Participation - Nationwide vs. NH One study looked at 24 programs throughout the U.S. 2% - 24% participation rate, median was 7% NH participation ranges from 0.63% - 26.94%, median was 3.43% Jackie Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
Program Effectiveness NAHMMA Webinar - David Nightingale 100% participation will never be achieved Another measure of program effectiveness Average age of HHW paint is 7.4 years Assumes average age of paint is average age of all HHW material therefore the frequency of HHW delivered Program effectiveness = Participation Rate * 7.4 years Jackie Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
NH Program Effectiveness Solo One Day Collection – 21.11% Group One Day Collection – 21.24% Permanent Sites – 14.70% We could be better! Jackie Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
What are some other states doing? Looked at states throughout the U.S. Vermont is most similar to New Hampshire regarding population distribution Various Collection Types Permanent Sites One-Day Collections Rural Rover/Satellite Collections Curbside pick-up Door-to-Door pick-up Various Program Components Broad Public Education Product Stewardship Swap Shop/ Reuse Shop Jackie Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
What are some other states doing? Permanent Sites – viable option for NH Jackie Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
What are some other states doing? Rural Rover – viable options for NH Jackie Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
Goals Revisited Produce a plan to Increase HHW collection in NH Reduce costs Increase collection participation Mike Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
Goals Revisited Increase HHW collection in NH Reduce costs More participation, more events, making it easier Reduce costs Making the set-up fee worth it by increasing participation, utilizing permanent site storage Increase collection participation More advertising, more events, making it easier, increase education Mike Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
The Plan Phase I Phase II Phase III Increase participation Reduce HHW through increased public education Promote more cost-effective operations for permanent sites Possible promote the safe use of Swap Shops Phase II Increase collections with Satellite Collections/ Rural Rovers Investigate having paint categorized as a Universal Waste Phase III Investigate paint Product Stewardship legislation in NH Increase number of permanent sites if current sites illustrate success Mike
Participation Related to amount of advertising Education What event? Education I thought it just went in the trash… Number of events One event every other year or two events a year, on the same, predictable weekends When events are held On a Wednesday vs. Saturday? In mid-winter or during spring cleaning? Distance to events Is the event in a central, easy to get to location? Overall convenience Jackie Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
Reducing HHW Promote non-hazardous alternatives Natural, homemade cleaners or non-hazardous cleaners Promote buying the correct amount of material for the job Assist municipalities and schools in continued education Mike Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
Permanent Sites in NH Three of the sites are contractor operated – making the costs similar to having several one-day events and limiting flexibility regarding days of operation Most of the material is transported on the same day – not always utilizing storage space Advertising and education budgets are being reduced, not allowing for long term education and HHW reduction Jackie Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
Swap Shops Pros Material is not in the waste stream and might be reused Minimal cost to municipality Cons Space consuming Possible low turnover Possible liability Staffing needed Mike Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
Satellite/Rover Collections Towns can run their own events, with proper staff training Self – transport to permanent site or other HHW collection Can possibly be more cost-effective than hiring a contractor for a one-day event In conjunction with a permanent site, can possibly make the permanent site more cost-effective Jackie Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
Consolidated Paints and Solvents Paint/Paint Related Material Waste Types in NH Waste Category % of Total Waste Basic 1.15% Oxidizer 1.22% Asbestos 1.33% Acid 1.43% Consolidated Paints and Solvents 2.00% Non RCRA Non DOT regulated 3.19% Resin/Adhesive 3.42% Aerosols 3.64% Consolidated Solvents 4.16% Flammable 6.88% Oil 7.60% Pesticide 11.25% Paint/Paint Related Material 48.23% - Used invoice data from events - Paint is clearly most of the material Jackie
HHW vs. Universal Waste Hazardous waste that are widely generated and pose a lower threat. Regulations on Universal Wastes are intended to streamline management of hazardous waste, effectively making it easier for their collection. Federally Designated Universal Waste Batteries Pesticides Mercury – Containing Equipment Bulbs (lamps) NH State Designated Universal Waste Batteries Pesticides Mercury – Containing Equipment Bulbs (lamps) Antifreeze Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs) PAINT? Jackie Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
Paint Product Stewardship in the U.S. Facilitated by the Product Stewardship Institute PaintCare Inc. – industry non-profit Oregon, Connecticut, Rhode Island Cost of proper disposal is taken off of the municipality Will it work in NH? Mike Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
Adding New Sites The expansion of the service area of current permanent sites The addition of 6 new permanent sites Site locations were chosen based on population & current service Jackie
New Service Area This includes towns within the 15 mi radius and utilizes towns already working together. 95.37% of the towns representing 98.23% of the population Jackie
Residents Served Collection Site Population Berlin 23,808 Concord 170,219 Goffstown 49,169 Keene 92,222 Lebanon 82,424 Lincoln 58,497 Nashua 249,921 Newmarket 298,002 Null 23,287 Wolfeboro 97,165 Derry 171,756 Grand Total 1,316,470 Jackie
Challenges Financial Costs Political Will Transportation Vendor Cost Capital Investment Costs Political Will Environmental Awareness – Do we really have a problem that needs solving? Mike Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Mike & Jackie Working Together to Make Recycling Strong!