Unit 7 Employment
Seeking a Position as an Administrative Medical Assistant Chapter 19 Seeking a Position as an Administrative Medical Assistant
Objectives Review the learning and performance objectives for this chapter By the end of this chapter, demonstrate the procedures in the textbook and the job skills in the workbook
Heart of the Health Care Professional Service Your ability to care, communicate, and assist provides immeasurable support along a journey that is seldom chosen and frequently difficult.
Employment Opportunities Employers reject job applicants because Poorly completed job application or resumé Unacceptable appearance or manners Little interest in a job Inability to communicate effectively
Employment Opportunities Employers reject job applicants because Immaturity History of job hopping Unable to verify education or employment Poor work record Lack of job-related skills
Employment Opportunities
Beginning a Job Hunt Follow through on all leads School placement personnel Hidden job market grapevine Keep a positive attitude
Beginning a Job Hunt Employment Agencies Referral service Public and private State and federal Read contracts carefully
Beginning a Job Hunt Employment Agencies Temporary Employment Free skill testing Obtain experience Diversity of duties Flexible work schedule Agency benefit package
Beginning a Job Hunt Classified Advertisements Subscribe to newspaper On-line classifieds Answer a classified advertisement Procedure 19-1
Beginning a Job Hunt Other job sources Computerized Job Search Cold call Blind letter Professional Associations (AAMA) Computerized Job Search Web databases
Applying for a Job View the video clip about preparing to apply for a job and interview Narrator - Getting Your First Job and Job Interviews
Application Form Write legibly Spell correctly Complete a job application form Procedure 19-2
Letter of Introduction Cover Letter Standard business format Brief and eye catching Include contact information Free of typographical errors Figure 19-4
Resumé Sell your job qualifications Creative, brief, attractive format Highlight education, skills, experience Use high-grade paper
Resumé Chronological Resumé Employment in chronological order Emphasizes work experience Does not highlight skills Figure 19-5
Resumé Functional Resumé Highlights marketable skills Best for new graduates Figure 19-6
Resumé Combination Resumé Emphasizes skills Emphasizes employment record Figure 19-7
Resumé Results-Oriented Resumé Prepare a Resumé Focuses on accomplishments Prepare a Resumé Procedure 19-3
Resumé Electronic Resumé Sent via e-mail Posted on-line Use standard computer characters Prepare a resumé in ASCII text Procedure 19-4
Resumé Scannable Resumé Screened for keywords Optical character recognition Prepare and format a scannable resumé Procedure 19-5
Resumé References People you know Vouch for your character Speak truthfully Select three to five
The Job Interview Make a good first impression Portfolio Provides documentation Skills – Certificates Education – Transcripts Letters of recommendation Work samples
The Job Interview Portfolio Alien Applicants Naturalization certificate in portfolio Employment authorization in portfolio
The Job Interview Preparing for an interview Research the employer Know the medical practice Know the physician specialty
The Job Interview Interview Guidelines Greeting Establishing rapport Fact-Finding Explain how you will meet their needs Ask appropriate questions Summing Up
The Job Interview Interview Guidelines Interview Questions Attitude toward work and people Match personality to job Illegal Questions Interviewer cannot ask some personal questions Career Fair Interviews
The Job Interview After the Interview Write a note of thanks Express continued interest Figure 19-10 Compose and send a thank-you letter Procedure 19-6
Preparing for a Performance Evaluation After probationary period Determine strengths and weaknesses Periodic or yearly review Develop improved performance Determine job satisfaction
Preparing for a Performance Evaluation Negotiating pay and asking for a raise Tact and timing Research the current market Analyze and document reasons for raise
Preparing for a Performance Evaluation Tips for holding the medical position Be punctual Avoid unnecessary absences Wear appropriate clothing Avoid criticizing staff members
Preparing for a Performance Evaluation Tips for holding the medical position Accept responsibilities without complaint Follow instructions Limit personal phone calls Offer assistance to others
Preparing for a Performance Evaluation Tips for holding the medical position Limit socializing on the job Express empathy toward patients Adjust to new ideas and learn Smile! Be courteous and friendly
Conclusion Make this world a better place Serve patients’ needs Be a vital part of the health care world Believe in yourself Do your best You can achieve your goals!
Stop and Think Locate Employment Opportunities Review the scenario Research job openings in your area State which resources you used and why List any jobs discovered in your search
Stop and Think Select a resumé style Review the scenario Which style of resumé would be most suitable for you? State why you chose a particular format
Stop and Think Verbalize one’s personal strength and weakness Review the scenario Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses Select one of each to share in an interview How would you discuss these with an interviewer?