The Impact of Personality Traits on Health Status of Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Primary and Secondary Care in the Netherlands H.J. Alma, MSc; C. de Jong, PhD; D.M. Joustra, BSc; J.W.H. Kocks, MD, PhD; Prof. T. Van der Molen, MD, PhD Presented by Harma Alma, MD-PhD Student IPCRG 27th of May 2016
Statement I have no conflict of interest to declare
Background (1) COPD is the 3rd leading cause of death Health status is an important goal in its management Various factors may influence health status scores Particular personality traits might be associated Definition personality: “the characteristics of a person that account for consistent patterns of feeling, thinking and behavior” Dubayova, 2009; GOLD, 2016; Lozano, 2012; Pervin, 2005; Samartzis, 2014; Sanderman, 2012
Background (2) Personality traits: Neuroticism: frustrations, worries, anxiety Extraversion: affinity to be talkative, optimistic, outgoing, energetic Psychoticism: aggressiveness, impulsiveness, egocentrism, being manipulative Evidence found in research for other diseases e.g. Parkinson, CHF, Cancer, MS Recently COPD Assessment Test (CAT) was related to personality and mental symptoms Aim: To investigate the relation of personality traits with health status of patients with COPD Aarstad, 2011; Beisland, 2013; Dubayova, 2009; Eysenck, 1994; Samartzis, 2014; Topp, 2016; Zarbo, 2015
Methods Ongoing longitudinal study: COPD patients in primary and secondary care (NL) Inclusion criteria: ≥40 years with diagnosis COPD GOLD I-IV Exclusion criteria: asthma overlap and/or other respiratory co-morbidities alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency inability to read Dutch questionnaires Recruited September 2015-January 2016 Clinical COPD Questionnaire (CCQ), COPD Assessment Test (CAT), St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), Spirometry Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-RSS) 48 Yes/No items Traits Neuroticism, Psychoticism, Extraversion – score 0-12 Jones, 1991; Jones, 2009; Sanderman, 2012; Van der Molen 2003
Patients (N=175) Table 1: Baseline characteristics Age (years) 47-84 Age (years) 47-84 Gender (% male) 60 GOLD I (%) 17 GOLD II (%) 37 GOLD III (%) 33 GOLD IV (%) 13 Smoking pack years 38 CCQ (mean±SD) 2.16 ± 1.04 CAT (mean±SD) 18.29 ± 7.12 SGRQ (mean±SD) 43.71 ± 19.45
Relevant correlations TABLE 2 Psychoticism Extraversion Neuroticism CCQ total -0.05 -0.19* +0.37* CCQ symptoms -0.06 -0.15* +0.18* CCQ functional status -0.03 +0.35* CCQ mental -0.12 +0.50* CAT -0.21* +0.36* SGRQ total -0.04 -0.23* +0.40* SGRQ symptoms -0.07 -0.18* +0.26* SGRQ activities +0.27* SGRQ impact -0.02 +0.45*
Conclusions Weak to moderate correlations between neuroticism and CCQ, CAT and SGRQ (mental/impact domains) Higher neuroticism scores worse health status scores Significant, but weak negative correlations between extraversion and CCQ, CAT and SGRQ No significant correlations for psychoticism Certain personality traits seem to have weak to moderate relation with health status scores of patients with COPD Take individual personality (neuroticism) into account during COPD management
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