Notes of the keyboard and Stave


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Presentation transcript:

Notes of the keyboard and Stave C D E F G A B C C D E F G A B C Find D by finding the two black notes close together and imagine between it is a Dogs kennel. Put your index finger on the note between them

Your Music Levels and tracking your progress At the end of each keyboard lesson write in your book what song number you are up to and identify two good things about your progress and a target for you to work on next lesson. Level 3 play to song number 3 using the correct digit to play the correct notes Level 4 Play to song number 7 using the correct digit to play the correct notes in time Level 5 Play to song number 15 using the correct digit to play the correct notes in time and use the left hand accompaniment Level 6 Play to song number 19 using the correct digit to play the correct notes in time and use the left hand accompaniment with a drum beat

Remember you have 4 things to remember on each song: Keyboard skill 1 Remember you have 4 things to remember on each song: 1 – reading the correct note letter off the stave 2 – Playing the correct note on the keyboard 3 – playing the note with the correct digit 4 – playing the tune using the correct rhythm 1 Hold for 4 Soup Soup Tea Tea Soup Tea Tea Tea Tea 1 1 1 Digit number 1 (thumb) 2 Soup Tea Tea Soup Soup Tea Tea Tea Tea 1 1 2 1 D 3 Tea Tea Tea Tea Soup Soup Tea Tea Tea Tea 3 4 3 4 3 E F

Keyboard skill 2 The letters above the notes are for the left hand. You play the melody with the right hand and the notes above the stave with the left at the same time!! 4 5 6 7

What do the letters above the stave mean??? The letters above the notes are for the left hand. You play the melody with the right hand and the notes above the stave with the left at the same time!! If you press the button labelled ACMP The left hand side of the keyboard can be used to play chords. Try playing the songs over the page using the ACMP button

Keyboard skill 3 8 9 10

Keyboard skill 4 11 12 13 14 15

Say the word “rest” and don’t play anything when you see one!! Keyboard skill 5 RESTS This is a crotchet rest Say the word “rest” and don’t play anything when you see one!! 16 rest rest soup 17 18

Keyboard skill 6 Playing two notes with one hand! Here you need to use your thumb and fifth finger to play the first 4 chords. Notice that the bottom of the two notes is always a C