Siobhan O'Neill Professor of Mental Health Sciences World Mental Health Surveys NI Study of Health and Stress Sao Paolo Megacity Project Siobhan O'Neill Professor of Mental Health Sciences
WORLD MENTAL HEALTH SURVEYS Developed by Ron Kessler, Harvard Medical School in 2002. Coordinated by Harvard University and the World Health Organisation. Standardised interviews in > 40 countries with >100,000 participants worldwide. Computerised interview methods developed at the Survey Research Centre University of Michigan (training certification). Structured into funded workgroups for analysis.
The NI Study of Health and Stress (2007-2008) Psychology Research Institute, Ulster University. Professor Brendan Bunting PhD, CPsychol Professor Siobhan O’Neill MPsychSc, PhD, CPsychol Dr Sam Murphy MSc, PhD Dr Finola Ferry PhD Clustered random sample. 68% response rate, 4340 participants. Funded by NI Public Health Agency, Research & Development Division. Follow up studies on: Impact and cost of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Trauma and mental health in the over 45s who had experienced the NI conflict. Funded by Altantic Philanthropies, the Lupina foundation of Canada & the Big Lottery Fund.
The Sao Paulo Megacity Study (2005-2007) Maria Carmen Viana, MD, PhD Department of Social Medicine, Post-Graduate Program in Public Health. Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). Laura Andrade, MD, PhD University of Sao Paulo. 5037 participants (81.3% rr). Saliva samples for DNA analysis. Funding: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) Thematic Project Grant 03/00204-3 and the Fundo de Apoio à Ciência e Tecnologia do Município de Vitória. Sub-project on violence and trauma was supported by the Sao Paulo State Secretaria de Segurança Pública.
Annual World Mental Health Meeting
Cross National Workgroups
Traumatic Experiences & Mental Disorders in NI World Mental Health Surveys Any conflict related trauma 39% Saw someone killed or seriously injured 18% Any mental disorder 39.1%, 3rd Any mood disorder 18.8%, 4th Any substance disorder 14.1%, 3rd Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 8.8%, highest (re-experiencing numbing hypervigilance) Women: anxiety & mood disorders (internalising disorders) Men: impulse-control & substance disorders (externalising disorders suicide). Bunting, Murphy, O’Neill, Ferry (2011) Psychological Medicine
Outputs 100s of cross national papers on particular mental disorders, risk factors and population groups. 100s of papers on individual country patterns of mental disorders, treatments and risk factors. Four books:
Understanding the Impact of Risk Factors in Different Cultures
Benefits of Large Cross National Samples