Healthcare Service & Info Systems LIS 4785 Introduction to Health Informatics Week 3-1 Instructor: Dr. Sanghee Oh
Announcements When you email me, Note the course number “LIS 4785” in the subject. The emails without the proper subject number could be ignored. You will have the group meeting during class today. The project topic selection is due this Thursday.
Show and Tell Jeffrey Cespedes
Topics Covered Last Week Key players in HIT and their usage of HIT Benefits and barriers of HIT adoption The role of HIT in health care Data, information, knowledge, and wisdom
Healthcare services and information systems
Health Information Technology: Improving the Nation's Health Care Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT
Health Information Technology The use of computer hardware and software to privately and securely store, retrieve, and share patient health and medical information.
Institute of Medicine (IOM) A U.S. organization to promote HIT IOM 2001 Report: Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century The U.S. health care delivery system does not provide consistent, high-quality medical care to all people. Faced with such rapid changes, the nation’s health care delivery system has fallen far short in its ability to translate knowledge into practice and to apply new technology safely and appropriately. Today’s health system remains overly devoted to dealing with acute, episodic care needs. The public’s health care needs to focus on common, chronic disease care, as well. The health care delivery system also is poorly organized to meet the challenges at hand.
6 Dimensions of Healthcare Quality
6 Aims for Improvement by IOM Safe Effective Patient-centered Timely Efficient Equitable
6 Aims for Improvement by IOM _________: avoiding injuries to patients from the care that is intended to help them _________: providing services based on scientific knowledge to all who could benefit, and refraining from providing services to those not likely to benefit. _________: providing care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values, and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions. _________: reducing waits and sometimes harmful delays for both those who receive and those who give care. _________: avoiding waste, including waste of equipment, supplies, ideas, and energy. _________: providing care that does not vary in quality because of personal characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, geographic location, and socioeconomic status.
12 Recommendations on HIT Apps by IOM Web-based personal health records Patients’ access to hospital information system to access their lab and x-ray reports Access to general health information via the Internet Electronic medical records with clinical decision support Pre-visit online histories Inter-hospital data sharing (health information exchange) Information to manage populations using patient registries and reminders Patient-physician electronic messaging Online data entry by patients for monitoring Online scheduling Computer-assisted telephone triage and assistance Online access to clinician and hospital performance data
Roles of Governments in Healthcare
U.S. Organizations Involved with HIT Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) ( American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 5 goals Improve medical quality, patient safety, health care efficiency and reduce health disparities Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) eHealth Initiative Non-profit organization promoting the use of IT to improve quality and patient safety (
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Support health service research that will improve the quality of health care and promote evidence based decision making In 2014, invested $166 million in grant to research HIT Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) National Institutes of Health (NIH) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Administration on Aging (AOA) Indian Health Service (HIS)
Final Group Project Identify a problem or an issue in HIT and provide potential solutions by developing an application mockup. Focus on the consumer side as one are for growth, what will consumers need to navigate the health mess? As part of your assignment, you should review a "significant" number of technology applications. Find applications more appropriate to your technology interests and your background. Applications can be web-based, mobile apps, or a combination. A good place to start is the FSU Health Informatics FB group (subscribe!)
Final Group Project Deliverables Project topic selection by 9/10. 2-page project proposal submission by 9/17. Problem statement Evidence Potential solutions Application template demo Each group will have a demo of the prototype template of the applications on 11/3, 11/5 Final project presentation on 12/1, 12/3 Project report submission by 12/8
This project requires a significant amount of group participation in order to complete. More than any other group of which you have been a part, this group needs you 100%. That means making time for ALL group meetings, responding to ALL emails from any member of your group, notifying ALL group members of personal situations (illness, death in family, etc.) that affect your ability to meet and work with the group, meeting all deadlines and exceeding ALL expectations. Enjoy this opportunity for group work! You will be challenged, but, at the same time, you will realize that group work can be more productive than individual work. Peer-evaluation will be conducted at the end of the course, and it will be reflected in your term project grade. Be polite and respectful to one another. Most importantly, communicate and collaborate with your members all the time.
Group Meeting Meet and greet your group members. Decide the leader of the group. Plan the date and time for the group meetings during semester. Exchange emails and phone numbers among the members. Discuss the possible topics/problems/issues in HIT. Share your own topics with the group members. Fill out the worksheet and submit it to the instructor before you leave class today.