Customers are most interested in mobile access, email storage and ease of setup Features ranked “very important” (scale of 1-100) Mumblers Remove gridlines (select + delete) Y-axis font smaller and more grey Y-axis fewer increments (right click – Format Axis – Axis Options – Major Unit) Y-axis remove trailing zeroes (eg. 10.0%) - Format Axis – Number – Category: (Number or Decimal) – Decimal Places: 0 X-axis font smaller and more grey (ONLY IF IT’S AN ORDINAL SCALE) // Chunking Reduce the gap width between bars – right click any bar – Format Data Series – Gap Width reduce to 30% to 50% Sort data (NOT ALPHABETICAL) // Picture & Wallpaper Turn all the bars grey Highlight the important bars with darker color If possible, move the important bars further to the left and higher on the slide // Split-Attention Effect Don’t make bars unnecessarily long Consider deleting the y-axis and adding the data labels directly onto the bars (right click – Add data labels – inside end)
Seattle sales spiked in May and September due to locally-run promotions Sales ($USD Millions) // Mumblers Make gridlines light grey Y-axis font smaller and more grey Y-axis fewer increments (right click – Format Axis – Axis Options – Major Unit) Y-axis remove trailing zeroes (eg. 10.0%) - Format Axis – Number – Category: (Number or Decimal) – Decimal Places: 0 X-axis font smaller and more grey (ONLY IF IT’S AN ORDINAL SCALE) // Split-Attention Effect Delete the legend on the right Create text labels next to each line Use the same color for the line and the text label // Chunking Limit your linen graph to only 4 colors If you have more than 4 lines, color the other lines gray – they need to be readable but not obnoxiously large OR, use similar colors for lines that are part of the same group (eg. black for European countries, red for North American countries) // Picture & Wallpaper Use thicker lines, darker colors for the lines that you want to draw attention to Also make that text label larger and more bold Keep all the other lines thinner and lighter color Consider using annotations to bring even more attention to that line, or data points on that line (eg. add data label to specific points, arrows, annotated text pointing to certain data points
58% sales from North America and APAC // Split-Attention Effect Delete the legend on the right Integrate the legend into each pie slice (right click – Add data labels THEN right-click a data label – Format Data Labels – check “Category Names” // Chunking Use no more than 4 colors on a pie chart Turn all the pie slices grey or some other neutral color (click on pie – Format – Shape Fill – grey) Also keep the white outlines around the slices (click on pie – Format – Shape Outline – white) Add color only to the pie slices that are important Group similar pie slices (eg. European countries) with the same color, or different shades of the same color // Picture & Wallpaper Use dark colors, warm colors on the important slices Use lighter, cooler colors on the less important slices Use larger and bold text for the category and data label on the important slices Consider orienting the pie counter-clockwise, to move the important slices into the optical center
Training Delivered To date Curriculum Title Worldwide Europe Planned Funded by HQ Funded by Field Conducts Students Eval Score Presenting EP Boot Camp 1 7 39 4.64 4 38 4.6 2 EP Boot Camp 2 72 4.83 1 18 4.9 Advanced EP 5 47 4.35 16 4.5 3 Delivery Skills 76 4.41 Handling QA 6 12 4.44 22 NA Leadership Situational Leadership 36 4.24 13 Delegation 44 4.93 20 Negotiation Skills 33 4.73 11 4.76 Conflict Mgmt N/A // Mumblers Remove all horizontal and vertical lines from the table Remove all color from the table, including color in the column headers and alternating bands of color in the table Consider adding a light neutral color for the column headers, and add a modest line to separate the column headers from the table Consider making the column header text smaller, lighter and italic. It just needs to be readable, not obnoxiously large Add a light neutral line every 3-4 rows in the table, to help the eye find its way across many columns of data // Chunking Look for natural clusters in the rows. Separate them using lines or space or very light color. Add a large bold label for each group Look for natural clusters in the columns. Separate them using lines or space or very light color. Add a large bold label for each group // Split-Attention Effect Don’t leave a lot of trapped white space between the row header (first column of each row) and the data. Make that column more narrow or else right align that text to move it closer to the data Consider repeating the column headers halfway through the table, or at the bottom of the table, to simplify lookup for the bottom rows of data // Picture & Wallpaper Use color to highlight the important cell or cells. Just a light color is all you need Consider making the text in the important cells darker and larger Try to move the important rows higher on the table, and further left on the table, toward the optical center