A Spiritual Transformation tool- COD - What is it? 9th point in the Code of Conduct : Put into practice "Ceiling on Desires" and to utilise savings generated for service to mankind A Spiritual Transformation tool- Allows you to control your desires and bring about balance in your life.
WHO IS THE POOREST MAN? " “He who has many desires is the poorest man in the world.” “Who is the richest man? He who has much satisfaction is the richest man in the world". This is what Baba says, and exhorts all devotees to have a ceiling on their desires to evolve spiritually.
WHAT IS THE MEANING OF CEILING ON DESIRES? “Man is deluded by his unlimited desires. He is living in a dream world. He is forgetting the Supreme Consciousness (Para-tattwa). That is why it is important to keep our desires under control, to place a ceiling on them. We are spending too much money. Instead of inordinately spending for our own pleasure, we should be spending for the relief of the poor and needy. This is the real meaning of ‘Ceiling on Desires’. However, do not make the mistake of thinking that giving money is all that is needed while allowing your own desires to continue to multiply. Curtail your desires, as materialistic desires lead to a restless and disastrous life. Desires are a prison. Man can be freed only by limiting his wants. You should have desire only for life's bare necessities,” Baba says.
COD This programme has not been launched to raise funds. The object of the programme is to prevent waste of money, time, food, or other resources and to use all these for the welfare of the people. The money that is saved need not be kept for the Sathya Sai Organisations. It may be used in the best way you choose for the benefit of others
COD - The Programme Will focus on money for this talk
FUNDING FOR PROJECTS Swami does not approve of asking for money from devotees. It is the intense love for Swami and His mission that prompts them to provide love offerings to fund specific projects Even the smallest amount coming from a sincere heart is lovingly appreciated No one should know what another’s contribution is – envelopes COD drive to fund the birthday programme and the Sathya Sai Schools
THE GOLDEN FORMULA FOR SPENDING INCOME AS ELABORATED BY SWAMI 25% on personal needs 25% on charity 25% on public and social causes 25% on future needs and emergencies
EXERCISE ON MONEY 1)Do you save money and at the same time, conserve energy by limiting use of electricity, water, gas, and other natural resources? Do you remember to turn off the lights and water when not in use and check for leaks and over usage? 2)Do you watch your telephone calls, especially long distance ones? 3)Have you considered taking a packed lunch to work, at least some days, in preference to eating in a restaurant where you spend more time and money, but receive less in value and nourishment? 4)Do you buy more food than you can eat before it spoils? 5)Do you save leftovers or do you throw them out or keep them until they spoil? 6)Do you use more petrol than you need, due to lack of planning, whether you drive to a market or on a vacation?
EXERCISE ON MONEY 7)Do you have a habit, or may be even an addiction, which is not only extravagant, but is not healthy, especially if indulged in excess? 8)Are you teaching your children the proper use of money? 9)Do you buy things you do not really need, or that are too expensive, such as clothes, jewellery, cars, accessories, and gadgets in order to impress people, compete with others, or make you feel more important or worthy of approval? 10)Do you buy expensive gifts to try to impress or ingratiate yourself with others, or buy their love or approval? 11)Finally, what would you find hardest to give up, or what do you feel you cannot live without?
SOME STATISTICS Petrol consumption: If we plan our trips and save 2 litres of petrol per week, 8 litres per month that means a saving of R94,96 per month. Multiply that by 20 families and we have a total savings of R1899,20. Over a 3 month period this will give a savings of R5697,60.
SOME STATISTICS Water consumption: For an average family reducing water consumption by 1 kl/month – saving of R25. For 20 families over a 3 month period a savings of R1500
WAYS TO CUT DOWN WATER COSTS Don’t wash under running taps (dishes, face, hands) Collect excess water from shower and use for washing floors, cisterns, gardens etc. Reduce water by reducing pressure of water.
ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION Cost approx. R1,30/kWh Reduce by 10kWh per month saving of R13 per family Over 3 month period for 20 families saving of R260
WAYS TO REDUCE ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION Switch off TV, radio if not watching/ listening Switch off lights when leaving room Use energy saving bulbs Don’t leave too many lights on the whole night In winter use hot water bottles, electric blankets instead of heaters. Dress warm.
TOTAL SAVINGS OVER A 3 MONTH PERIOD FOR 20 FAMILIES Petrol R5697 Water R1500 Electricity R260 TOTAL R7457 Saving per family = R372,85
USE OF COD CANS Not for public display and collection Try to save a small amount every day Encourage your children to also save Once you are ready to deposit open the can, convert to notes and put in sealed envelop marked “Birthday seva”