Service Provider to Housing Developer Sparky Harlan, CEO Bill Wilson Center Santa Clara, CA
Peacock Commons
Peacock Commons – Affordable Housing Developer: Bill Wilson Center On-site Property Management: EAH, Inc. (non-profit housing dev.) Location: Santa Clara, California Total Project Cost: $9,472,724 Rehab and new construction of 28 units of mixed affordable and special needs housing in the city of Santa Clara for households with incomes below 20%, 30% or 50% AMI. Mixed population: Youth with mental health issues, low-income young adults & young families, homeless young adults, entry level non-profit staff Financing from 11 unique funding sources
Financing Approach Flexibility for developers to consider different options Provide for market and site-specific needs Advance housing goals -- Coordinated investment with jurisdictions and agencies – lease for public property Mixed income and mixed use development encouraged Integrated, supportive housing encouraged Tax Credits pros and cons, reduction of Federal Support
Eden Housing Project with BWC Mix Population: Seniors, Families, Foster Parents, ELI Young Adults Community Room for Neighborhood Tax Credit Units Consideration Types of Supportive Services Place-based Vouchers Involved in designing size and type of units
THANK YOU! Sparky Harlan, CEO 408 243-0222