Where do these animals live? RIVERS – Baiji dolphin
Where do these animals live? LAKES – cichlid
Where do these animals live? LAND – Chimpazee, tapir, siberian tiger, Rat, rhinoceros, dodo, kakapos
Where do these animals live? Dolphins, killed whales
Where do these animals live? Trees Spixs macaw, bald ibis
When did they become extinct or when are they going to be extinct? NORTHEM WHITE RHINOS - VERY SON
When did they become extinct or when are they going to be extinct? BIG ANIMALS IN AUSTRALIA - WHEN PEOPLE MOVED TO ASIA
When did they become extinct or when are they going to be extinct? DINOSAURS - 65 MILLON YEARS AGO
When did they become extinct or when are they going to be extinct? MOST OF THE SPECIES IN THE SEA - 250 MILLON YEARS AGO
When did they become extinct or when are they going to be extinct? DODO - BY ABOUT 1680
When did they become extinct or when are they going to be extinct? MANY SPECIES OF CICHLID - IN THE 1950s
When did they become extinct or when are they going to be extinct? MOUNTAIN TAPIRS - IN TWENTY YEARS
Jane Goodall helped to protec them. WHICH ANIMALS? CHIMPANZEE - Jane Goodall helped to protec them. Eats with its hards. Gets ill when humans.
Has black and white legs. WHICH ANIMALS? OKAPI - Is a new species. Has black and white legs. Has a long blue tongue.
KAKAPOS - Is green and yellow. Lives in New Zeland. Leaves its babies. WHICH ANIMALS? KAKAPOS - Is green and yellow. Lives in New Zeland. Leaves its babies.
Does not have bebies easly in zoos. WHICH ANIMALS? WHITE RHINO - Can be four metres long. Has one or two horns. Does not have bebies easly in zoos.
WHICH ANIMALS? BLUE WHALE - Is fromthe dolphin family. Antartica is a good place for it. Can live for ninety years.
WHICH ANIMALS? TAPIR - Carries its babies for a years. Lives in Andes mountains. Needs its mothers milk for a years.
WHICH ANIMALS? TIGER - Is the biggest animal in the cat family. Goes a long way when hunting. People kill it for its beautiful coat