Rising Stars® SAVE THE DAY Welcome to Destination ImagiNation®
Your team has been asked to work together to solve a problem that will save the day! You need to create an invention to solve a real problem.
The Challenge: What is included Points of Interest - Learn about simple and complex machines Use simple machines to create and build a new invention Create a play that tells a story about how the new invention saves the day Create props, scenery and costumes to help tell the story
The Challenge: What is included Problem Solving: Learn about the Creative Problem Solving tools that are included with this challenge. Story: Your play should include a beginning, middle and end.
The Challenge: The time limit for your play should not be longer than 8 minutes
The Challenge: Team Choice Elements (Optional) The team choice elements are fun ways to show the audience special things you can do. You might like to have some of these be part of your play. Examples: A poem a member wrote A unique prop Different costumes Scenery or backdrop A song a member wrote Evidence of teamwork
Rising Stars Helpful hints Have a number of short term activities Have 2 adults Be prepared Have a plan Enjoy the process
Team Rules Invite parents and children to first meeting 6-9 kids Review expectations for parents and kids Discuss snack and materials: who will purchase If working alone as TM, ask for a parent volunteer each time Explain behavioral expectations Determine length of meetings and how often Let parents know about expectations for the week before tournament
Team Rules Have your team set up rules for acceptable behavior, this can be done with CPS techniques. Be sure to consider: What is your tolerance for noise, movement, mess The group dynamics of your team If you are using your home, what are your house rules, are students allowed in the refrigerator? If you are using a school, what are school rules? If a child makes an infraction, what are the consequences Have students and parents sign rules
Working with Parents Ensure parents understand interference Their most important job is ensuring that their team member comes to meetings Divide costs of materials Share responsibility for snacks, food, and transportation At tournament, create a list of appraised elements, so they can follow what their kids do
Tournament Day: Your team will be performing in front of an audience Bring your Starry Showcase Form; this helps appraisers to understand their story and the great ideas your team has developed Your team identification sign
Tournament Day: DI tournaments are very busy places and have many activities going on a one time, if you are prepared, your team will navigate the day with more confidence. Alert friends and family to the time your team is competing, make sure they know the place, that they are performing in the Rising Stars category, their school and team name. Arrive to the school at least one hour early, unload props, and then park. Parents may move props around, but may not fix or alter them in any way.
Tournament Day: Depending upon the time of day you are competing, you may ask a team parent to provide snacks Bring band-aids, Tylenol, and plenty of water. Bring anything that you may need if your team needs to fix props damaged while moving. Check into the site 20 minutes prior to your performance time, a prep area appraiser will greet you, and speak to the team to relax them. Please let this interaction take place without your input.
Tournament Day: The team will be asked if they will allow photography and/or video. The team will be introduced, and will be asked if they are ready to begin. Once your team begins, appraisers will be moving around them to make sure they hear the story. Once the team performs, the appraisers will ask them questions about their presentation then team parents can help clear the performance area.
Tournament Day: Your team will also perform an Instant Challenge. Depending upon the tournament, your team will have their IC either before or after their Central Challenge performance One team manager is allowed into the IC room, only at the team’s request. No other observers maybe present. Your team with take an oath not to reveal the IC to other teams You may speak about the IC with your team in the chill-out room