PC Class Final Project Your Name
Instructions for Presentation Add ENTRANCE ANIMATION EFFECT to ALL your pictures and/or bullets. Every effect must require a mouse/key click to activate it. At least 1 picture must have a MOTION PATH ANIMATION EFFECT that makes sense. Select a DESIGN THEME
Successful Student? Include 3 pictures showing evidence to support your opinion … limit the words you type What are you going to say about each picture when you present this to the class?
Successful _____? Include at least 3 pictures showing evidence to support your opinion … limit the words you type What are you going to say when you present this to the class?
Successful _____? Include at least 3 pictures showing evidence to support your opinion … limit the words you type What are you going to say when you present this to the class?
My Success in 20 Years Include 4-5 pictures showing what your life will look, if everything works out to your plans, when you are 34-5 years old What are you going to say when you present this to the class?
Inspiring People Include pictures of 3 people that inspire you with the following requirements: 1 has to be someone you know 1 has to be someone Mr M showed you a video on in class 3rd can be anyone you want What are you going to say when you present this to the class?